Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

And caffeine - they’re going to need it!


Nah, alcohol. Though it will have to be cheap stuff, or they’ll go broke trying to get through it all! :beers:


Oh no, i think that gets billed to the client as supplies, so no need to pinch pennies!

If the attorneys spoke with one another about this case before a handoff, it’s likely the new firm is not taking this on contingency. However that’s just a guess, i really don’t know.


So, let me get this straight…

Jonathan Kanarek - @Inigo-montoya, the lawyer father of Lauren Kanarek and his wife, Lauren’s mother, Kirby Kanarek - @Seeker1 have once again totally ignored their subpoenas on the civil case that their side filed. So lawyer Jonathan Kanarek has once again ignored the rules of the court and just done his own thing.
And the amusement level of the new lawyer saying that there should be a stay while they get a handle on the case, for this subpoena point is extra stupid. Being very generous with the time frames given by the judge last time, their responses were due no later than 12/11, that was 12 days before the substitution of counsel. 12 days is more than the amount of time the judge gave them to respond. 12 days is more than enough time for them to file something using Bruce, or with some lawyer that actually represents them. But now the new lawyer is saying - I do not represent them but please do not let the other side do anything to them for once again ignoring their subpoenas, even though one of them is a lawyer and knows better and knows how to file the proper things with the court and not just ignore stuff.
Add that what Kirby Kanarek is being asked for seemed to be readily available at the time of the Krol hearing, where she and her daughter bragged about sending them places to hurt Michael, but some how they are difficult to send along now?

It is my opinion that the Kanarek family does not know how to do anything the honest way, ever.


Since the case management conference is with the mediator, can they make any decision about the subpoenas or is J. Sceusi there as well?


No, @trubandloki , you don’t have it right.

LKs new attorney is asking the judge to stay the new subpoenas until after the case management conference.

There is nothing illegal or dishonest about that.

There is nothing dishonest about filing to quash a subpoena or ask for a stay from the judge.


I am not wrong. Sorry to disappoint you that your idol has once again not followed the rules of the court.
The judge’s last decision was that Mr. Silver and Mr. Deininger had ten (10) days to rewrite their subpoenas and then Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) and Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) had ten (10) days to respond to them.
That is 20 days, total.
If Kirby Kanarek or Jonathan Kanarek wanted to quash either of their subpoenas they needed to do it in those ten (10) days. Not just ignore them (again).
A lawyer knows how this works. Jonathan Kanarek is a lawyer.

They are simply playing delay games again.

Did you miss the fact that the deadline to quash or anything else was 12 days before this new lawyer signed on to the case?

I missed it where I said they did anything illegal. Thanks for putting words into my mouth. You are so funny.



We guessed it.
They’re so anxious to share the recordings… Riiiight. :ok_hand:


Clearly the transcripts are only easily available if you are someone in a position to “Finish The Bastard”.


I didn’t assert you said they did anything illegal. I did not put words in your mouth.

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Well, I think he’s going to be disappointed once he gets to the end….


If the judge is running the conference, yes he can give deadlines and such, but any decision by the court about the subpoena being extended would have to be on the record of there’s a filed motion about them.
If all the parties agree to a new deadline at the conference we might not see anything unless it is again disputed in motions. And i haven’t seen that SGF or MB filed motions on the lateness of responses.

But all this dilly dallying isn’t a good look. I will say asking for a week or two extra time to get caught up is pretty reasonable though.


To be fair, the subpoenas look to have been due right around the Christmas break. I doubt Mr. Silver and Deininger wanted to spend their holidays saddled with deadlines for responses to motions either.

Late is late.


Thank you!


With latest filing from Lauren’s lawyer asking for an extension for Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1), who Lauren’s lawyer does not reprsent, it made me think of this post that Jonathan Kanarek made when he (they) ignored the subpoenas the first time. Screen shot above.

Who do you suppose the lawyers were that he referred to as their lawyers who responded? Right there in the third sentence he talks about their lawyers, but no lawyers have yet to file anything that says they are representing Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek. For someone who some people claim always tells the truth that seems like a very interesting sentence for so many reasons.

If Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek handed all the information over way back when, why is it still so impossible for them to locate and hand over again. So impossible that they once again ignored a subpoena deadline and a lawyer that is not representing them had to file something asking the courts to not do anything about them being well past the deadline.
Weird, so weird for information that they had already gathered and handed over.

And look, right there it says that Kirby Kanarek and Jonathan Kanarek are “looking forward to being deposed or providing information the other side wants”. So strange that two people who are so willing to help out (because once again, we are told that Jonathan Kanarek is always correct, so this must be true) have not just answered these subpoenas or filed the appropriate paperwork in a timely manner.

So many questions, so much stuff that just does not make sense to a rational person.


It’s so weird right. If they are so looking forward to providing the information, then why was there such a long list of excuses to not produce discovery in response to the contempt filings?


So if Bruce was is the #1 personal injury lawyer/firm in NJ, I wonder why Lauren has moved on to some other lawyer/firm.

Is this new firm #2 or some other random number on the list?

Oh the weird things people do.


Maybe he wasn’t blue stocking or blue nose enough, or whatever that phrase was.


I believe the top-ranked, NJ ambulance chasers are for the civil suit.

The ‘top five global blue chip [sic]’ law firm is/was for her devastating take down of SS and USEF (and maybe whatever the US dressage governing body is as well?).

Maybe that firm us also going to handle the impending take down of CBS? :woman_shrugging: