Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

But it also costs them as well, unless some fool has taken their case on a contingency basis.


Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek are just ignoring things so they are not paying anyone to do anything. Michael’s lawyer team have to file stuff every time they ignore.

And truly, I could care less if it is costing the Kanarek’s money, they are the people who filed this case.

Michael has had to spend too much money already. Them delaying are costing Michael more money he should not be having to spend.


You’ll get no argument from me. They have bitten off more than they can chew with their Finish the Bastard plan and it’s devastating aftermath.


What tdid she say when she showed up here last? Prove I ever said “Finish the Bastard” or something ike that? It must have been one of the queerest things she’s ever denied. I guess in her head she can just say whatever she wants and it exists.

I would not be surprised at all, if Nagle wanted to get on with it and that was why they dumped him. Most courts have a very short leash when it comes to filing frivolous lawsuits. If they don’t cooperate with their own suit, the court will just shut them down. However, with New Jersey’s tolerance for JK’s bull shit, who knows how long they will let them drag this out.


It’s lovely your family provided reduced rate housing.
I still believe your dislike of the smell of sauerkraut can be separated from the status and origin of the family.

I was not intending to be mean. Simply to point out that the three elements could be separated. Your comment hit close to home as someone who didn’t bring friends home because of similar situation to your tenants.


Someone was asking about podcast episodes addressing this case; there is one called “Jury Duty” which is available in Apple podcasts, Spotify and Amazon Music that uses recorded testimony from the trial. Several episodes covering the first couple of days were posted starting in early October, then there was a break while the pod covered the Weinstein and Masterson trials, but the episode posted today is back to the Barisone trial with the testimony of Ruth Cox.



6 parts;

then the Jury Duty one mentioned above.


There is a new filing on the civil court site by the new attorney.

I wasn’t able to add it here but maybe @ekat would do that for us. The attorney wasn’t asking for a delay but wants the subpoenas for the parents stayed until the case management conference.


It is a request for a stay against IM/JK and Seeker1/KK’s subpoenas pending the new attorney getting up to speed on the case.

So, I guess it is safe to say, they did not respond to the reissued subpoenas by Deininger and Silver.


Thank you for posting it here.


More malarkey. They will eventually run out of attorneys and time. Tic-toc.


By wording it that the plaintiff wanted the subpoenas stayed does that relieve the attorney from any legal issues as they don’t represent the parents?

From my understanding of what I read, this is LAUREN KANAREK’S attorney, not Jonathan or Kirby Kanarek’s attorney, so what how much of a delay should he need?

Yes, I am asking this facetiously!

Just one more stall tactic on part of the plaintiff, who is supposed trying to move on with her life.

I see this as just one more attempt to “FINISH THE BASTARD” by Lauren Kanarek!

That has been her goal all along just like she told RG the morning of the shooting!


At what point should there be legal consequences for ignoring the subpoenas? Hasn’t this already been going on for six months or more?


I’m amazed at the judge’s patience with this :racehorse: :poop: .


The Judge can let it go on indefinitely or they can crack down whenever they want, it’s really in their hands. The opposing parties can bring it up with them when in court or via submitted communications, but if the Judge doesn’t care, nothing happens.


“…this substantial file”.

Well, that’s the understatement of the year so far! :joy::joy::joy:


Right? The however many thousands of pages of social media posts alone should be giving pause to the new lawyer and his staff.

If there were 19,000(?) pages of posts at the time of the trial, how many are there now? :thinking:


Pause? How about throwing up your hands and running away?


Hopefully someone on his staff loves a good (?) train wreck.