Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

We do not care what you think.


This ^^^^


Do we have to again be reminded not to engage with certain posters no matter what they say?? The answer is yes. :grin::grin:


Once again, easier said than done. Lol.



Lex, that was priceless. Entirely perfect.


Geeze people, I mentioned Busey as a joke. But run with it you must LOL


Actually, it’s very easy. Put them on your ignore list and be done with it.


Have you missed the nine million and three posts over the last almost as many threads about how ignore fails quite frequently?


Honestly, I really haven’t had this problem.

I don’t see posts from the posters that I have on ignore. They’re even hidden in the quotes (just says their user name). I think once in a great while something squeezes through, but then I practice self control and ignore :woman_shrugging:t3: I think some people view the “hidden content” because it is an option, but again, self control.

The ignore feature certainly could be better though!


Once you invoke The Gary Busey, it cannot be contained again, without a blood sacrifice!



Has anyone come on and disputed @erinmeri s first person report of Gary Busey’s behavior?

What I am skeptical of are the numerous statements in which @Eggbutt clearly was not a direct participant.

Example: The claim that MB only permitted LK to live in the farmhouse because JK “threatened” him. The two parties to that alleged threat are MB and JK. Not Eggbutt. Neither of the people actually involved has said any threats were involved.

Example: CPS showed up on Aug 7 to investigate MB on claims of child sexual abuse because LK had called CPS.

What part of that would Eggbutt have first hand knowledge of? None of it. The truth was that CPS was investigating MHG, not MB, and the issue was child neglect, not child abuse, and that CPS came out in response to an alert from SS, not LK. The narrative pushed by Eggbutt 600 times over two years was entirely untrue.

Example: Eggbutt claims LK fat shamed one of her relatives on FB, and posts a screen shot of the offensive post. Here Eggbutt does have first hand, direct knowledge of the interaction with LK on SM, and a screen shot of the offensive post. There had been plenty of first hand evidence of LKs SM behavior posted on these threads, and I’m convinced she’s guilty of fat shaming and worse.

If Eggbutt and others confined themselves to statements about which they had direct knowledge, as ErinMeri did, I would believe them. It’s the narrative that they spin concerning events of which they don’t have direct knowledge that I’m skeptical of. Indeed, on the CPS thing, the facts as revealed in the trial indicated that Eggbutt was entirely wrong.

I believe ErinMeri’s anecdote about Garry Busey. I had a similar experience about 10 years ago when I was in a hotel room in an unfamiliar city (not LA; I think it was Philadelphia). I was alone.

At about 9:00 or 10:00, I heard loud pounding on the door. Not knocking, pounding. It never occurred to me to open the door. I called the front desk and asked them to send security. By the time they arrived, the guy was gone.

Maybe it was Gary Busey. I’ll never know.

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Oh CH, I am disappointed in you. You should pick topics that there are not things posted here about.
Darn you.
You make it way too easy.

Michael did say something about the whole being forced to take Lauren Kanarek back after Jonathon Kanark threatened (that is the word used) Michael in his lawsuit against the police. It is right there, plain as day, I should think even the most confused person here can understand it. Here is a screen shot for you.

And…Lauren herself talks about it in her big Manifesto post.


I would love to go thru and post things about everything else but you get the point. I shall folow the advice of the others and not respond further.


Huh….arduous legal process……aka they threatened to sue him or fight an eviction….those are both arduous legal processes…


OMG I’m dead now!! :joy: :joy: :joy:



Hate when this happens. /s


No, I haven’t missed them, but like Cantering Carrot, it works fine for me. If ignored posters start to bleed through, I refresh my screen and all is well.

But if you, as Lex says, enjoy talking to brick walls, be my guest. I’ll pass, thanks.


I’m way behind but I do want to address that JK tried to get involved with RG being fired. I don’t know why, but he did call the owners of the company and tell them they couldn’t fire RG.


I was making a distinction between reporting direct, first hand experience as ErinMeri did and making claims about something one does not have direct experience with.

@Eggbutt was not present at discussions between JK and MB. Neither was Chris Deininger.

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