Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

And something about (not going back to get the exact wording) that her money comes from the bank and they would have to talk to her father about it. Oh wait, I think that ‘have to ask my father about it’ came out in one of her depositions too.


What I said was that I’m not buying into Eggbutt’s “director’s cut” of the Elderly Illegal Mob Movie, which has been running for three years now.

You could get a horse with international level potential for something in the range of $12-$15,000? Figure at least $5K for the flight and the quarantine costs.


Interrogatory responses. But apparently cancelled checks do not exist either in some movies.


Thank you for clarifying.

Sorry that I used the wrong term.

I should just say ‘under oath questions’.


She said that JK wrote the checks. Therefore if the court wanted documentation of what she paid for board at HH, JK would have the documentation of the payments; she wouldn’t.

If you know of a bank that returns the original, canceled paper check to the writer of the check, please let me know the name of the bank. All the banks I’ve dealt with immediately scan and destroy the paper check.

Of course the scanned image of the paper check exists.

Last I checked (giggle), my bank will include scanned copies with a paper/mailed bank statement. There is a fee for this though.


I can’t remember a time when import would cost just $5k door to door.

I was thinking 10 to 12k for the horse and the rest for import. You could get a nice yearling for that price or maybee a green/young horse. I don’t know. I’ve lived in Germany for 8 years and maybe I could’ve found a really good quality horse for that price years ago, but with training…I don’t know about that.


Dang! Imagine that! /s

For someone who says she doesn’t know any Kanarek or Goodwin in any way, you sure seem to question those who do know facts about them first hand.


You have that correct, Eggbutt!

  1. I do not personally know any Kanarek or Goodwin.
  2. I do “question” the narrative you have been pushing for three years.

And, news flash, I truly don’t care what you do. :sweat_smile:


Somehow when we show you that you are wrong… Ya know, with the very things posted* by Lauren Kanarek, Jonathon Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek… You continue on pretending they are still honest and believable.

*Posted in this case includes such things has court testimony, 48 hours interview, etc. Not just posts here on COTH.


This is a very good point and one I haven’t seen addressed before in all these threads. The obsessive need to support people you’ve never met/have no connection with is very odd in and of itself. Negating the lived experience of people who, in fact, do know and have had (often unfortunate/unpleasant) interactions/business dealings with these people is downright bonkers.

I may think, from afar, that Gary Busey seems like a nice guy and people are just giving him unfair treatment. However, I would not come on here and tell @erinmeri that she did not experience his behaviour the way she clearly articulates that she did. Ditto for the many other first-person reports of his behaviour.

It’s especially egregious in this case as there is a critical mass of people from different states, different fields, and different time periods all corroborating a pattern of behaviour of this whole family plus RG. To attempt to invalidate all that evidence/lived experience/first-hand information is truly bizarre.

To do so on behalf of complete strangers is incomprehensible.

ETA: If I did feel strongly enough to challenge people’s views of Gary Busey, I cannot imagine a universe in which I would continue to do so for 3 years in the face of overwhelming evidence that I had the wrong end of the stick. I’d either change my views on Mr Busey or I would simply walk away and leave the Busey haters to themselves.

To carry this weird torch for so long, to put in the reading and responding hours seen here, is simply beyond my ken unless I knew and genuinely cared for the person at issue.


It is very unusual, isn’t it? But it does seem to be a modern phenomenon in the US to fall on your sword supporting someone you’ve never met and who couldn’t give a rat’s whisker about you. Cult behavior is what comes to mind and will be studied for years I suspect.


Wasn’t the new horse for LK that was waiting in quarantine in August 2019 a five or six year old? So not a weanling or a yearling, if that’s the case.

I don’t remember where or when I read that, but I think I saw it somewhere in one of these threads. I would hope a five year old would have some training, and they did not just load it onto the plane when it was barely halter broke.


And that may explain why she has such average horses


Plus, it was a mare, as I recall, which would require more quarantine than a gelding and thus more expensive.


In 2016, $25,000 got you a 6 y/o auction reject (think “no-sale”) from a large German breeding facility/sales barn that had changes slapped on and could be crammed into a PSG frame. Still a nice horse, and very regionally competitive, but not international material. Import was still somewhere around $8,000-$11,000 depending on the transporter and the destination. Prices for everything increased about 5% over the next three years. The market really went bonkers in early 2020.

She paid for training on that mare overseas for some time after purchase, so she also paid VAT since the mare was not exported within 3 months of sale. Maybe her first two were in the $20k range all-in (possible), but definitely not the mare.


Yes, they have to stay in quarantine for a much longer period of time.

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