Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I understand you have first hand experience with her SM nastiness. I’ve seen examples of her SM nastiness posted. I believe LK can be nasty on SM.

It’s the things on which you have no direct, first hand experience that I’m skeptical. You were way off on your accusation that she contacted CPS to accuse MB of child sex abuse.

I think this qualifies as doxxing and I think this person should be banned from COTH forums. It’s actually quite serious. I don’t like the idea of us sharing space with these kind of trolls. Of course it might be someone who is already banned and is just reading the threads. In that case they should be blocked. Oh, I see reading through the lines it is LK herself.


That is over the top ridiculous!

Even more so considering you have always been a poster that gave Lauren Kanarek the benefit of the doubt.

Just crazy.

But with the Kanarek family involved, nothing surprises me anymore.


Are you allowed to post this, with the new rules put into place by CH? I mean. You were not there when the email was sent. And the email was not sent to you…
So, how can anyone know for a fact that this email was sent?



If you had been paying attention, EB has more than just nasty social media experience.

Good job trying to downplay it though.


Someone would need a lot of time on their hands, and the patience to sift back through months, if not years of old posts, but I’ve never tried to keep my identity a secret. I’ve occasionally posted links here to articles I’ve written, and used to have a link to my blog in my signature. I removed it thanks to certain people who have cyberstalked others on COTH, and a couple who have gone so far as to contact employers or even phone posters at their homes.

It is creepy, crazy, and reeks of desperation. Makes me wonder why such an innocuous inquiry about a trainer I’d never heard of would be so triggering, when there has a been a lot more revealing and unflattering info posted here by many people. It’s not like he’s teaching her in secret…any guesses as to what the issue really is?


So EB missed a step. LK knew what her report to SS about the children would trigger a call to CPS. Stop being so deliberately obtuse.


I did for a very long time. In fact it was Lauren’s own posts, along with the trial testimony, which convinced me that her version of the events was improbable, and that her own actions contributed greatly to the shooting. Until that point I was quite prepared to believe her story, and that this event was simply a tragic illustration of what happens when very angry people have easy access to guns.


I have no way of knowing if it came from LK, JK, a friend of the clan, a friend of the trainer, or some random person. The email address it was sent from matches a Facebook account for what looks to be a real person (not any of those named above), but I have better things to do than dig any deeper than that.


Was it Jim E Stark? (You don’t have to actually answer me.)
That is Robert Guy Goodwin’s Facebook page. It was renamed after someone who appeared to be Lauren posted all over Facebook using that account.




Someone went back through EB’s many years of posts to figure out who she is too. Someone definitely has too much time on their hands.


That damn Gary Busey sending bizarre emails again


Mostly the 48Hours FB from what I saw. I didn’t have the time or energy to see where else RG/JES was raising havoc. Wish my daddy was paying the bills so I could play on the interwebz for hours.


So they didn’t even have the balls to use their real name when going after you in that manner? Nice.


Again….timing seems a little suspect.

Are we getting blazing hot about something?


Wow! Just wow! Someone is becoming desperate! I hope the magazine laughed at the ridiculousness of the email!


Wouldn’t it have been recorded?


I mean, one doesn’t have to be a rocket surgeon to muster a guess as to who could’ve written the email, but it would be just a guess.

However, if they felt that passionate about the cause and weren’t just out for a good troll and dox, they would’ve used their real name :wink: but as we’ve seen before, some are just cowards that try to intimidate people through whatever power it is that they think they have.

To go after BigMama is absurd given she did give LK the benefit of the doubt (I did as well, a few times, but sort of feel like a fool, but anyway…) and I know BigMama is not some pro-gun or pro-shooting people type of person, based off of their posts here and in other threads.

I think someone was triggered by the “not riding with a BNT thing” which honestly, who cares. If you like the trainer and both you and your horse do well with them, then whatever. It is somewhat “interesting” that LK was so fixated in riding with MB only (and not his assistants), so had to ride with the “big name” but is now riding with someone who isn’t a BNT. I mean, I do give her credit if she’s gotten over the name thing and is genuinely just interested in a trainer that is good for her and her horses.

I don’t really give a toss about who she rides with, personally. I’ve ridden with big names and lesser names, and my most recent favorite was a lesser known name that is actually moving up nicely, so props there, and maybe one day they’ll be a big name. I think everyone should ride with whomever is best for them. It’s cool to throw out a big name, but tossing around a big name doesn’t necessarily make you a better rider or successful. If you put the work in with the big name, you’ll likely get somewhere, if you want to get there.


Um, if you go back to the beginning almost everyone believed the SS complaint was against both MB and MHG and detailed abuse! It wasn’t until the trial and 48 Hours that the actual SS complaint was made clear. Wanna argue some more? I wonder how you got your inside information?