Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

But CoTH should be involved to check their email data base. If someone has done this to you, they will do it to others. This is serious and quite concerning at how far “someone” will go to bully posters to prevent them from posting. I seriously urge you to pass the info along to @Moderator_1.


Maybe it has to do with the civil trial somehow? Don’t want them able to be subpoenaed to testify to her actual riding habits these days? If BigMama has friends involved in the goings on at Paradigm then they may be able to say something that the K’s want to keep quiet…


MANY, MANY years in fact!


I think that ship has already sailed with her already making declarations about her riding post shooting…and also various videos that were posted as well.

I mean, her trainer(s) could be involved to testify to her actual riding nowadays, that’s an interesting point.


Yeah, LK want to ride with “the name on the door” as daddy said. Perhaps this new trainer doesn’t even have a door! /s


I’m still assuming that Ulf is the BNT she was talking about. It makes sense that she would want to train with him again when he is in Florida, and that non-BNT guy is an Ulf-approved replacement for when he’s in Europe. Whether or not that will happen is anyone’s guess. But I don’t think anyone much cares who her trainer is, do they? I know at first there were some people who felt they should warn her current barn owners about her, and IMO that would be totally inappropriate. But I don’t think there’s been any suggestion of that with her new trainer.


I agree.

I also think that it’s on trainers to do their due diligence re new clients just as it is on the client to do the same with their new/potential trainers. Of course people talk, and network.

I know some feel as though you shouldn’t have to look up info re your clients, and maybe it’s less important if the person is just trailering to you weekly or so, but if you’re going to be deeply involved with someone regularly, I’d recommend doing some homework. Just as a general thought. I think MB “failed” in that respect. Or did his research and thought he could hand it. I honestly cannot recall at this point.


The strangest things happen around these people! Like bizarro stuff.

Emailing the magazine wreaks of narcissistic revenge theater.


Hey man, it’s just 8D chess, you know? Us plebs wouldn’t have a clue.


Considering LK has posted recent videos of her riding, and had commented on social media herself that she’s riding at a higher level than while at Michael’s, I don’t think they need anyone else to testify that she has recovered sufficiently from her injuries to resume her previous activity levels and then some.

And I don’t know anyone closely involved with Paradigm. I have a couple of friends / friends of friends who have ridden there on occasion, that’s all. No inside knowledge of how the barn operates or what goes on there. The only reference to LK was that she seemed to keep to herself and was polite when interacting with others during the limited opportunity my friend had to observe her.


Ironically though, and realistically speaking, it’s no where near 8D chess. It can’t be when it’s obvious, ridiculous and meaningless.

I mean, who DOES that?


Don’t forget about her yoga, Pilates and swimming after her early morning rides.


So is the non-BNT one of the trainers at that facility? Or does he just come in from outside to train LK?

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:flushed:. I am very sorry someone did this to you. The cray is deep


What direct, first hand accounts does Eggbutt have about LK other than SM nastiness?

Read the threads. It is there. It has been said more than once.

Don’t play clueless…it is an unbecoming look on you.

We all know you were there when it was posted.

(That means you have been around the threads when it was posted, not saying you were sitting there when someone typed it, calm down.)

But it truly seems if your new requirement of being there when it happened means you should have absolutely nothing to say at all here, right? Since you have no first hand experiences?



It’s like someone trying to fish for information, hoping the retelling of known event(s) exposes some new shiny info to be weaponized.


Yeah, lots of people believed a narrative pushed by people like you with no first hand knowledge of what actually happened.

You pushed the narrative relentlessly for several years before the facts were revealed in the trial.

You have been pushing your narrative for a long time too and unless you are suddenly saying you know people (which I do not think you do), Eggbutt has far more personal experience with the people involved than you will ever have.

So, using your - must be there - rule, she is far more full of knowledge than you are.



This latest attempt to derail by poking Eggbutt I really don’t get.

Lauren Kanarek posted HERE, on COTH, that she talked to SS about kids and, Michael just didn’t know how to behave around kids. After she found out that SS was only interested in minors.

Lauren Kanarek googled CPS TWICE on her phone.

Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark googled the kids’ whereabouts because they were not at the farm.

48 Hours made clear where the CPS report came from.

Exactly how wrong was Eggbutt, really?

(All those things are facts from the trial, from what Lauren posted here herself, or from the 48 Hours episode.)