Middleburg Spring Races 2023!

Hubby surprised me at Christmas this year with a trip to the Middleburg Spring Races! I’m super excited to go. We’re both flat racing fans but know nothing about Steeplechase racing.

Looking for recommendations -

  • where to stay
  • what type of tickets to purchase
  • best place on course to view races
  • any other suggestions/experience/information

We have visited Middleburg before, as I have a horse retired in the area.

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Fun! lots of info here https://www.middleburgspringraces.com/ we haven’t been in ages, but you should find info that’s useful. Also, check facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MiddleburgSpringRaces/ and the Central Entry office is here http://www.centralentryoffice.com/Default.aspx this will have entry info as you get closer to the date. Have Fun!

It’s a absolutely lovely race meeting and the Glenwood Park course is about good as they get.

Best place on course to view the races is on the hill where the grandstand is.

It’s a bit of a fashion show, kind of like the Derby. You’ll see lots of wonderful hats.

Get there early - the route to the race course is through the village of Middleburg, and then down a narrow two lane country road. Traffic coming in and going out can be tough.