Thanks for the comments! And yes, I know they are all quite diverse in type and temperament, but we are willing to think “outside the box”. But most of you have confirmed many of my concerns about some of those breeds.
So, after sleeping on it, the Frenchie is definitely out - don’t want to deal with those health problems, and Mr DY thinks they are too “froo-froo” anyway. I am sure he feels the same way about the Papillons, but we haven’t discussed them in depth.
Welsh Corgis are out due to the shedding issue, and I think they would be too intense in drive and energy anyway. Also, while I think Corgi puppies are adorable, I haven’t known many adult Corgis that I have really liked - they seem to have a tendency towards being stubborn and opinionated, and many of them are too yappy.
Still considering a Scottish Terrier - have known quite a few, and really like their rather dignified demeanor. And yes, I understand they can be stubborn and opinionated (like a Corgi), but at least they don’t shed like Corgis!
We both love the sighthound temperament, and would love to have a Whippet, but they are too speedy and require way more exercise than we could give it (even with a large fenced in yard and daily walks, they can be way more zoomy than we want).
Italian Greyhounds are too fragile - every single one that my friends had or that we showed ended up with a broken leg at some point from simply jumping off the couch, or the bed, or the porch, etc.
I like unusual breeds (had some of the first Salukis in the SE, way back when), so am now looking at the PBVG, the Xoloitzcuintli, and the Chinese Crested. Doubt Mr DY will go for the CC, though - talk about a “froo-froo” dog! :lol:
Will have to look into the Silken Windsprite someone mentioned, although I think they will probably be taller than we want. And we don’t want something that can jump a 4 foot fence - it’s bad enough worrying about diggers, but at least there are ways to discourage a digger.