migraine sufferers?

I’ve suffered from migraines all my life, and only got my life back after being treated with Botox and Topomax. For the Botox to effectively work for me, I need it applied for both migraines and for tension headaches–which is what I was originally diagnosed with. The tension headaches can get so bad they can actually trigger migraines. If I have breakthrough migraines, I take Relpax, which works pretty well.

I would go to the ER if I were you.

Dr Oz had a segment on migraines and claims if you take the herb feverfew, 125mg, it can stop a migraine and if you are suffering often, a daily dose will help prevent them. I plan on trying it on the next head-bomb.

Get the book “Heal Your Headache” by David Buchholz. It gives a list of foods to avoid, and really helped me.

How can I get to sleep with my migraine? I’ve currently had my migraine for 9 days straight and tonight is exceptionally hard. I’ve been trying to fall asleep for the past 4 hours but I just can’t seem to because of the intensity of the pain. My pillows feel like rocks no matter which way I arrange them. Pain medications do not help my migraines. Does anyone know a way for me to fall asleep?[/QUOTE]

Go to the ER. You probably need a cocktail of things. Nine days is ridiculous, been there done that. Just go.

How can I get to sleep with my migraine? I’ve currently had my migraine for 9 days straight and tonight is exceptionally hard. I’ve been trying to fall asleep for the past 4 hours but I just can’t seem to because of the intensity of the pain. My pillows feel like rocks no matter which way I arrange them. Pain medications do not help my migraines. Does anyone know a way for me to fall asleep?[/QUOTE]

I agree with the others - go to the ER or see your doctor ASAP. I had one that lasted 10 days and only resolved with a combination of meds that took several days to adjust. I now have to take two meds daily in order to keep them under control. Your doctor or the ER can try something to break the migraine. :frowning:

I frequently get migraines… they suck. I had one that lasted for 8 days… just saw an opthamologist, but I gotta get to a neurologists.


One or two vicodin will put me to sleep so I can sleep off my migraine. If I catch it early, Maxalt will knock it out.

I’ve had the CAT scan and the EMT exam and the Neurology visit, and the visit to the allergist.

Preventively, I take: BCPs to regulate my hormones, Prozac to regulate my anxiety, Sudafed to keep my sinuses clear, and Claritin to prevent allergy problems. and STILL I’ll crack a migraine once about every six months. However, with the Maxalt, or failing that, Vicodin, they can be put away.


Maxhalt works well for me, too.

I started getting a migrane a couple of days ago. I put a Maxhalt tab under my tongue (sub-lingual) and caught the migrane before it took hold. It did take several hours for the nausea to go away.

Maxalt didn’t work for me. I went back to an old-school one recently, Fioricet, and it works great for me. I took this one in high school, so was surprised to go back to it!

I used to get migraine’s when I was younger. They started with my menstrual cycle, and where VERY predicable. I had the black-out kind. First migraine only lost some vision, but as time went on, they got worse. My mom finally had it when it got so bad that not only did I lose sight completely in one eye, but my entire right side of my body was so numb I could not walk because I could not feel the ground beneath my feet. Took me to get looked at, got put on birth control and still have them ~1-2 years but nothing like they used to be. BC saved me.

Sigh, although, it’s sad when I think I have been on BC for 11 years. I’m 23…

Just a heads-up that this thread was bumped up by a now-deleted spammer.

Thanks ~
Mod 1

I started a migraine thread in off topic. I guess it would belong in this category! I get one and I am done for the day.

I am on the depo shot for birth control and have been for about 8 years now. It has made me gain some weight I can’t get rid of, but it has helped a ton. I had terrible headaches during my period, along with cramping and the whole nine yards. They couldn’t find anything wrong, so I said get rid of the period. And the depo has helped with that and those migraines. However, I still get migraines for a number of reasons.

I will get them from sleeping wrong, too much sun, sinus, exercise, certain foods and certain drinks. Now some sodas I find make it worse. Well we call it pop here in Michigan, soda just sounds funny. So Red Pop, root beer, sprite, and pepsi/coke give me terrible headaches, along with some energy drinks like Monster. But I am sitting here now drinking a Mt Dew and that doesn’t seem to bother me. Some of the dyes in the pop can trigger a headache.

If I don’t stay on top of my sinus and allergies I will get a migraine. If I leave the state of Michigan I have absolutely no sinus or allergy problems.

Sometimes i just wake up with one of those headaches and I can tell it will be a migraine. I use to wake up every single morning with a headache and I would pop some motrin. If that didn’t help I would take the imitrex.

I have been started on topomax 50mg a day and that has helped a ton with the everyday headaches. Imitrex works good but I get a terrible hangover from it. Skin will hurt, groggy, slurred speech, and just in a bad fog. Relpax actually works better for me but it costs a lot more then imitrex.

ETA I did notice it was bumped by a spammer but this is a good thread!

Wow, I’m a little shocked that there are so many people in this community suffering from migraines. Then again, at the clinic where I work everyone in the administrative staff suffer from it (there’s 4 of us) and we also have a nurse and the kid of our head doctor suffering from migraines.

I don’t know most of the drugs that have been mentioned here, as I am in Europe. I used Zomig before but it’s ridiculously expensive and it only works if the migraine is in the beginning. If I wake up with a full on migraine blast I can take a whole box and it’s taking sugar cubes for all it does. I’ve now settled for using paracetamol+codeine that seems to lessen the less serious episodes. When it’s a really bad one, nothing i take, pills, shots, or IV will do a damn thing.

Now I know part of the triggers are hormonal, so I tried getting an Implanon by ended up with long lasting blood loss and now have to remove it. If i could, I’d just have the damn ovaries removed and be done with it.
Then there’s the migraines caused by my sinus problems that, surprise, surprise, are also difficult to treat. And there’s also the stress factor. I’m already being treated for depression and anxiety syndrome so not much to do in that department either.