Migraines and blood sugar levels?

First off not diabetic or thyroid problems

But it seems when i have migraines i feel like my sugar is low, or maybe sugar is low causing the migraines?

I will ask dr, does anyone else seem to relate the 2?

A nurse opinion…

Yes, headaches are absolutely caused by low BS. Very common symptom of needing to eat!! Whether it’s a migraine or not depends. A lot of people call headaches migraines when they are not synonymous. A migraine is a very specific TYPE of headache. But…migraines are extremely common in new or undiagnosed early onset diabetes also. They can be caused by high BS or unstable BS readings. Migraines can be the first symptoms of type 2 and can occur during that “metabolic syndrome” period. Mostly I hope you eat something when you get a low blood sugar feeling!!!

Thanks, yes i do eat when i get the feeling. This is not new in the 8+ yrs ive had migraines. Sometimes i force myself to eat because as you know you generally dont want to eat during a bad migraine.

And i also get those pre game gatorade packets freeze them snd eat frequentl with a migraine. Those help alot!!!

Teddy, I feel your pain on your migraine threads. I have chronic migraine (I average 20-odd migraines a month and get the awful, pukey kinds at least once a week). But you can help reduce the severity and frequency with lifestyle changes.

One of those is not letting yourself get too hungry/low blood sugar. Eat at regular, prescheduled times. I am not a breakfast eater – left to my own devices, I won’t eat before noon most days, just coffee. But I make myself eat some sort of breakfast bar every morning within the first hour I’m awake, because otherwise I am more likely to get a bad migraine that day. Like, almost certainly will. I don’t seem to have “trigger foods” – it doesn’t matter what I eat, as long as I do it regularly enough.

Get enough, regular sleep. I cannot overemphasize this one. Don’t sleep in on weekends, don’t take naps. Get 7-8 hours a night.

Drink enough water. This one too is very important. Skip this and I am back in almost 100% going to get a headache. I don’t like water actually so I bought a Sodastream and drink obscene amounts of seltzer.

There are a lot of things migraine sufferers can do nothing about. My two biggest triggers are stress (good luck avoiding that) and barometric pressure changes (not going to avoid that one until I move into a bubble). So I work hard to deal with the ones I can control.

Good luck – I am always up for some migraine commiseration if you need to vent. Sometimes I get really down about my headaches when I’m in a bad spell, and just need a good “poor me” cry so I can get it out of my system. Living with daily, excruciating pain is tough.

FWIW, I haven’t tried Botox yet but will as soon as I am done breastfeeding my infant. Most docs want you to keep a headache calendar to prove to insurance it is necessary. If you aren’t already doing this, start now – get a little pocket calendar and write down when you have a migraine, how long it lasted, how severe it was on a 1-10 scale and what medicines you took to deal with it. Then you are armed to fight your insurance company. I was all ready to go on Botox last year but got pregnant and didn’t want to do it during pregnancy.

Thank you, will for sure pm you!

Yes im bad for not eating in the mornings, when school starts i will get ensure so i have something in my system.

Trying hard to stop napping, sometimes i get to fatigued not too(thx ra) and been going to help at the barn to get exersize

Omg these past few weeks weather wise killing me if its not 35+ celcius with humidity its raining. Perfect migraine weather!!

I drink gatorade wheni have migraines or if its bad mountain dew. Cant stand coffee. Did buy low cal nestea to add to water bottles that is aspertame free!! You would be suprised how many have it, its a sensitivity for me and a trigger but that is in the fam!

Cannot touch chocolate except lindt white! Sucks royally they did have white reases oh henry kitkat crunch ect but then my factory in smith falls moved to mexico and im cut off!