Migraines- Botox Treatment?

I have a combination of both migraines and tension headaches. The two types are very distinct to me- I have constant headaches that are attributed more to tension, but then I also have definite migraines that come on and it’s a very different feeling. Like I want to gouge my eyes out and stick them in a bucket of ice, while in a pitch black and silent room. My poor boyfriend has gotten great at bringing me ice packs to alternate while remaining very quiet. :wink:

My Botox is tomorrow!

Something else I wanted to ask about- at Horse Expo there was a booth with a company selling TENS units. The lady put it on me and wow it felt great… So yes amazing boyfriend bought me one. I have used it before bed the last couple nights- I’ve slept as if I took a few muscle relaxers. It’s great! Anyone have one of these? I wasn’t sure at first but in my opinion it was worth the money. It’s small and I can use it at work on tight muscles, too. Of course I have already tried to figure out if I can use it on my horse…

I have a friend who works on both horses and humans with tens units. I had physical therapy for my back, (hydraulic bed to essentially lengthen the body), they put ice and a tens on me. It works, so does an infrared unit that I use called a Microlight laser. Glad that you are getting relief. Also, if you can find it and afford it, try to find a specialist in the Jones Strain/Counterstrain method, it is fabulous!

I have had botox for migraines several times. I have found that cosmetic botox (the formulation as well as location of shots) did help but in a very minor way.

My neurologist gives me 45 shots when I get it. Does it hurt? HELL YES!!! The first time, the post injection headaches and muscle spasms were so bad I needed phenergan for vomitting and muscle relaxers. After the first 4 days I felt much better. That being said, while it didn’t “cure” me of migraines, it definitely reduced them. The first round only decreased them by a handful, however I decided to give it a shot and did round two, three months later, then round three, three months after that. I actually went 45 days with no headaches which is fairly unheard of for me. It is expensive and can be a hassle, but it allowed me to live a more “normal” (relatively speaking) life.

Just an update… I was pretty sore for the couple days after the shots, woke up with a BAD migraine 2 days after, but I’m now about a week and a half out and already notice some reduction in headaches!
It was the weirdest thing for a couple days though, I had cleaned a bunch of stalls and I don’t know if I used different muscles because some were paralyzed or what, but following that I was so sore and just…unable to move that I could barely lift my arms. Haha. I have regained normal range of motion. Maybe not 100% with my eyebrows :wink:

Anyway, summary is I was uncomfortable right after but it’s looking like it’s worth it! Since I am already having some reduction in headaches and a lot of people don’t seem to see any results this soon.