Mine That Bird Movie '50-1'

Steve Haskin has just posted the following. I don’t have cable, and can’t get Ovation, but may be on the road within the month, so maybe I can find it…
ETA: Just read to the bottom - Redbox will be carrying it soon, and it will also be on Starz, Netflix and i-Tunes.

Mine That Bird movie “50-1” is on the Ovation channel Friday at 4:30 pm EST and throughout the month. Here is a link to my 2015 review of the film. http://cs.bloodhorse.com/…/the-real-longshot-of-50-1-is-i-e…

My husband and I found it in the bargain bin at Walmart awhile back. The movie is so cheesy it hurts… but in a heartwarming sort of way. Their depiction of Bob Baffert was nothing short of hilarious, probably because it was totally off base, yet brought to light the traits of him the media tries to play up. Calvin Borel was completely lovable.

We both just laughed and laughed at the ridiculousness the entire time we watched it, but in a good way. I agree with Haskin that there’s enough “reality” in it that you’re not totally facepalming the entire time, unlike some other horse movies. But it’s so, so cheesy…

I liked this movie, I think it might be my favorite horse racing movie.
The Bob Baffert scenes were pretty over the top, but kind of funny.
That Derby was also the most fun Derby I ever attended, I will never forget the total confusion from our group when MTB made is move, my husband( who was a total racing novice)" said who is Calvin Borel riding"
In unison we all looked down at our programs to see.
That horse was so far off our radar nobody even knew his name!

Thanks, I need a diversion from all this wretched cold, hasn’t been above freezing for over a week, below zero most mornings…my heart goes out to tne foaling crews just an hour down the road in Lex.

Anyway, will DVR it. The review also reminded me of my fav racing movie, Champions, that’s the absolutely stunning one starring John Hurt and the Grand National. Have to dig that one out for a rewatch, haven’t seen that gallop shot on the hill with the music for a few years, need the lift.


This article is from 2015, not sure if anyone thought this was new.
So far it hasn’t made it to Netflix in Canada. I’ll have to see how much it costs on Amazon and iTunes. I’d love to see the movie, but I hate to spend money on something that I’ll only watch once.

In case anyone without cable is dying to watch: I went looking for the DVD last night, but it’s still packed away in storage from our move earlier this year. Amazon had it to rent for $3.99, fair price if you haven’t seen it but I wasn’t going to pay that when I already own it. It wasn’t on Netflix or Hulu.


I think I bought my copy at Walmart a while back too. When I finally got around to watching it, I found it far more entertaining than I had anticipated. And Mine That Bird also has a cameo shot in the movie too.

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It’s running again today, Sat, on Ovation, at noon. Maybe you can visit some friends…with cable?

Thanks for the heads up, but not venturing out to any “cableful” houses today. Cleaning for the realtor, and loads of paperwork. But figure I’ll find it someday. Tried to see if it was on Redbox locally, but no luck.
Next big storm maybe? :lol:

I missed it but did a search and found it will be on Ovation again on Tuesday.