Mini Bennington Carts

If you want to buy yourself (or your Mini) a Christmas present, they just got some of the Mini Magnum carts by Bennington in stock. Looking at the photos they are lovely! Bennington is a great vehicle maker, in all their vehicle creations. We have an older Bennington Dogcart carriage we used for Dressage with the Four. Terrific design, workmanship, great carriage. Hoping to use it again this year!

Anyway, I never see these mini carts for sale used, so this is a chance to get one for our minI horse drivers. 103 pounds, built for mini 30-38 inches tall. Aaron Soldavin is husband to COTH member Kelly, now the Bennington dealer. He was helpful when I called about a Fun Bug he had for sale. Sadly too small for my horse. He is on Facebook or you can Google them.

Okay, I found Aaron & his Bennington NA on FB.
But no post about used carts for sale.
Where did you see the ad?

Asking for Bugs… :cool:

Happy Holidays to you & Mr goodhors 🎄🎉

Not used carts, brand new shipment from the UK. Carriage and driving Equipment For Sale or Trade group on Facebook. Also Carriage driving classifieds on Facebook. That is their capitilization, not my erratic spelling! Ha ha

New carts are $2700 which is a bit high, but Benningtons seem to hold their value well in resales. Again, quality is very high on their products. Adjustable shafts, powder coated, adjustable seat, spares basket, poly solid tires, nice seatback and seat rail, leaf springs for a cushy ride, sounds and looks darn good as part of the package. It would even fit under your Christmas tree! Ha ha

Thanks for the good wishes 2Dogs. We wish you and your equines the same over the Holidays! Winter is being pretty nice so far, 30Fs making chores easier.

I’ll have to be really good for Santa to bring me a Bennington!
Bugs has already earned it, but he will have to wait until my bank account catches up.

Interim might be a cart from Fairview in Ohio.
I saw one up close at my 1st Ntl Drive, piloted by COTHer @kris0227 & her mini. I can sell my current EZ-Entry & have a good chunk toward the upgrade.

Darn, that is too bad. We also have to “save up” to get things at times. As I said, I just never see any used ones for sale. Seems like people even THINK of selling their mini Bennington vehicles and someone will ask if they would consider selling! Had two mini folks tell me that. No need to advertise, it is gone for a good price.

Maybe in the future, Bugs can have one. Good things can come to those who wait!

Hope you are enjoying the nice days, we are! Went Christmas shopping early, spent all the money on rocks and a new/used tractor! Looks like we may be in the hay business next year. Rocks were used to make nice driveway and dry areas between the barns after mud got scraped away. Husband had fun tearing things up and redoing surfaces. Feels like walking on the paved road!! Horses like the driveway to arena to stand on, up out of the mud. It is actually crushed cement, and getting very solid as it dries out. I like my rocks, mud is not sucking at my boots now.

:lol: Ya gotta have a farm to appreciate rocks!

I am ready for Christmas too - not a lot of family, just a brother in NV. But I am spending it with friends. HORSE friends :smiley:

My current Bare Cupboard is due to repairs to my towing vehicle - on a fixed income unplanned-for stuff can pinch hard :no:
But I will bounce back come Spring & Bugs shall get his not-quite-Bennington until we can get the Real Thing. :encouragement:

Not sure I will be going to the Ntl Drive Spring Fling in May. I may hold out for an IN Whips & Wheels CT instead.
But I will be at Hoosier Horse Park in the Fall come Heck or High Water!

We hope to do both Natl Drives, but lots of things have to fall into place in the right order first. Will be sorry not to see you.

I hate surprise expenses, messes everything up. Had to fix the car last month, broke a strut. Both sides are equally old, so replace them both, and had to replace the front tire the broken metal sliced wide open. It is always something!

We hope to get a Pair to the local CDE this year. At least we have spares now to trade if needed! No spares the last 2 years, only one sound horse of the Pair both years, so we volunteered.

New Year is coming, things will be good!

:encouragement: Agreed!
Looking Up beats the alternatives :cool:

I have a cart from Fairview and it is a perfect “try everything” cart. They are well made with some places to adjust for the best float and balance. I have the heavy duty aluminum wheels and wooden wheels.

Good luck in your search!

@SLW I have Fairview’s catalog & have priced out the cart I’d want w/options.
Still 1/3 the price of Bennington & seeing it in use I know they make a good cart 😁

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