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Posted by Zimbabwe on the EMG board.

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Posted by Zimbabwe on the EMG board.

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I visited D!
I’m so happy!

That is awesome!!! Go MissD!!!

Her family has been so kind to allow us to extend our support during this traumatic occasion in their lives.

Come on Miss D!

That is such wonderful news!!

I’m sure having friends visit is going to be so helpful for Dina, and the best possible medicine.

Curb chains still jingling from California…

Miss D is doing quite well. She has been moved to a new room G160 bed 2.

She moves around a lot. She moves every part of her body by herself. But she still does not respond to commands. She grabs on to the bed rails and pulls her self up and she wipes the drool from her mouth by herself(sometimes). The Doctor from rehabilitation thinks she is doing very well and expects her to be ready for rehabilitation in approximately 2 months. He thinks she will be in extensive rehabilitation for a year. Although she does now have physiotherapy every weekday.

She is still on a feeding tube because she can not eat by herself yet.

Her eyes and face look much better as well, she doesn�t have that blank absent look that she had before.

Here’s the latest update posted by Miss D’s Brother Rob:

Hi everyone,

Yes Dina can now have visitors. But please remember that she gets tired very very easy.

Also everyone should also be aware that Dina is still in a coma even though she can open here eyes and move her arms.
When her eyes are closed she is sleeping. Dina has rated as high as 8 on the Coma scale have a look at the following web
sites for information on the coma scale.



We are sure she is some what aware of her surroundings although she does not react to commands. So if you ask her something most likely she will not respond but we are told she does hear you, so please be careful what you say around her and please try not to be emotional in the room with her. I know it is hard not to be emotional when you first see her. So if you have to just walk into the hall for a break.

Also (i’m going to blame this on her parents) Dina has had a hair cut on Saturday, so don’t think you are in the wrong room when you see her with a brush cut.

I am sure she would love to see as many of you as possible but please only a few people at a time. Visitation at the hospital is between 10 am and 9 pm with a rest period from 1 pm until 2:30 pm. She is in room 740 of the civic hospital.

I will try to monitor the BB (www.equiman.com) all afternoon tommorrow if anyone has any questions I will try and answer them if I can. I will also be at the Hospital tomrrow night from 5:00 until 9:00 if you want to visit when you know someone will be there.

What great news!

"Just call me mint jelly cuz i’m on the lamb!–Grandpa

Good vibes coming your way. Get well soon!

There’s no place like first place.

Thanks for the update. Keep getting better MissD!

After thinking about the Urgent Care BB, I was going to start a post of How Is MissD Doing, and bingo there this one appeared.

I am so thrilled to hear she is making such good progress.

Regarding the hair, as one with the same 1/4" “do”. It ain’t the worst thing that can happen. This way she won’t have “bed hair”.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Yay! Glad to hear she is improving! This all sounds very hopeful.


Stupidity should be painful.

thats great news.

"Just call me mint jelly cuz i’m on the lamb!–Grandpa