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Missing BBers in New York and DC

dodgegrrl got me concerned with the post about Inwhycee’s whereabouts.

Pick your brains for who hasn’t been heard from. Try to think if they have mentioned in the past anyone who may know if our friends are okay.

They could just disappear from the BB and we would never know!

Teri Kessler
Lily - moderator of the eventing forum

Before I leave for the weekend to do the stupid things I have to do instead of ride, I have to believe that the missing are just making it through chaos for now, and that they will reappear SOON.

Keep asking in my absence, please, for all those that are not here are still very much missed.

Do any of the moderators have Lily’s phone number? Could someone call her at either home or work? Do you know her last name - in which case, we can search online directories for her phone number.

there is SOME Hope. Found out last night my cousin, who was working in the second tower at the time of the two plane crashes, somehow managed to escape with only bruises. He couldn’t contact anyone until last night because there were no phone lines and his cell phone was, well, in the rubble.

Emily proud
member of the junior clique!

Lily has posted!! She was on vacation (thank you thank you thank you!!)

Keep the prayers and good thoughts going for the others who have not logged in yet.

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

nycitygirl posted that she works in the financial industry.

What about HSM? She is from “somewhere in NY” and also has not posted.

I hope these people are okay

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

I am here - thank you for thinking of me. I have been too traumatized to even go online here.

We are north of the city but much too close for comfort at this time. My family is intact thank god and no immediate loved ones lost. A couple of close calls.

Does anyone know about nycrider? Irene? I know she lives and works in NYC I am scared to try to reach her by phone. If you know of her please post.

Still no word from nycitygirl…does anyone know who this is and if she is okay?? Her name is Genie and she is 25, working in the NYC financial district according the the last Let’s Meet posting.

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

dodgegrrl got me concerned with the post about Inwhycee’s whereabouts.

Pick your brains for who hasn’t been heard from. Try to think if they have mentioned in the past anyone who may know if our friends are okay.

They could just disappear from the BB and we would never know!

Teri Kessler
Lily - moderator of the eventing forum

I heard from Kt1900 this morning. She worked at 7 World Trade Center. She got out safely. Thank the Lord. She seemed real shaken up.

Member of the Baby Greenie Support Group of North America

What about nycitygirl…I believe she is a relatively new poster and in one of the intros mentioned working in finance in New York…anybody familiar with this BB’er?

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

Thank you all so much for your concern! I do work down there, but unfortunately have only very recently been able to get back logged in to my laptop (from home). My office is about 10 blocks south of what used to be the Trade Centers, but I was not there that morning. I spend alot of time out of the office seeing clients and was fortunately headed to midtown when this whole event happened. Unfortunately, I had clients on the 89th Floor of WTC2 (Keefe, Bryuette & Woods) who are all still unaccounted for. There are 67 people from there still missing and I knew about 20 of the traders. I am very upset, because I knew them very well and spent a considerable amount of time with them. Its very difficult to see pictures of them every time I leave my apartment, turn on the TV or open the paper. They were wonderful people and I could tell you something personal about every single one of them.

Right now I am having a very hard time dealing with all of this. I am actually planning on heading out of town tomorrow for the weekend to hopefully clear my head a bit.

I have not gone down to my office. I don’t even think we have power there yet. I’m not sure when I will be able to get there, so for the time being I can log on from home. Which in one way is good, but on the other had, I feel like I’m losing my “routine.”

Something else which makes this very difficult is that my father died when I was 19, and this whole staggering loss of so many people brings back so many emotions. Not to mention that my father is buried in Arlington and was a colonel in the Marines, so I’m sure he would have had some choice words about all of this. All I have to say is that I am lucky, I know where he is. I think of all of those people who are looking for closure with their loved ones.

Again thank you all so much for your concern. Sorry if this is so rambling, I’m a little out of it. Take care all.


Not 100% sure, but … TeriKessler lives outside the city and I don’t think she works in New York, so she is probably okay. Don’t know where her husband’s firm is located, but I don’t think it’s in either of the towers of the WTC.

I work and was 5 blocks from the WTC. In talking to people closer than I was, if they were not in the buildings than those people had a pretty good chance of being safe.
Most of the telephone service is not working regularly, hopefully some people just have not had a chance to be in contact yet.
I will be going back to work at the stock exchange either Fri. or Mon. I will be sure to express to my friends the outpouring of concern showed by all. In advance THANK-YOU.

AHC just posted on another thread that nyc-rider and her husband are ok. Thanks again AHC.

Miniwelsh… That’s very scary. I just did a Nexis search of all the major papers published over the last seven days, and no mention of any “Genie” having been reported missing… Wait, she is back! Go, nycitygirl!

runs US Tobacco - I am pretty sure that its headquarters are in CT.

We Kessler’s are alive and well! I will mention, however, that Murray & I were in Manhattan on the West Side highway when it happened, and got an apalling eyeful while driving across the George Washington Bridge and down the turnpike. We were, of course, on the way to Leo’s to ride Omar and Maxx. Watching the smoke blow across the sky, knowing how many innocent people were dying, was like standing outside Dachau watching the smoke billow out the chimneys. It was complete disrespect for the value of human life.

On the return ride home to Bedford, there were no towers at all.

Maria La Redola, a very sucessful younger AO who also rides with Leo, is a bond trader at Morgan Stanley, but was out of her office attending an appointment in Times Square. She and her husband are fine.

While we are all naturally extremely concerned for the safety of our fellow BBer’s in NY and DC, I realized last night that we hadn’t given much thought to our friends on the west coast - the destination for all the flights involved. I hope and pray that none of our west coast friends have lost family or friends in this tragedy.

Actually, my own stupid company had me listed as missing until last Friday, even though myself and 2 other people called in to say I was OK. And management wonders why we went bankrupt…
