MISSING TB Mare! Last seen in MA

I am searching for my lost best friend. Her name is Quintessence (“Tess”). In 2009, I was forced to give her to someone my family knew because I couldn’t afford college and her upkeep. This person then sold her to someone else we knew. THAT family promised me first right of refusal if they were ever selling her. I went to visit, and was told by the property owner that the father had sold her to a man in Western Massachusetts. When I contacted the family to confirm this, I was told that she was actually with a family in the Boston area. I know this story was a cover-up. They would not give me any details of her actual location or allow me to pass along my contact info to her new home.
Tess is around 16h, Thoroughbred, and would be around 20 years old now. As far as I could tell by looking her over when I owned her, she is not registered. The person she was sold to was told she was around the age of 12, which is NOT true. Tess is a gorgeous bay with a white comma mark on her forehead and a faint white snip on her nose. She has white on her front right and back left pasterns and a thin white ring around her front left pastern She has an awkward canter (does not like to go on her left lead) and was trained English & Western. She has soundness issues if not in consistent work. She has trust issues (particularly with men) given the history of abuse she suffered prior to my ownership.
I have been searching the past 2 years to locate my precious girl and if it weren’t for financial reasons, she’d have never left my sight. Please, if you have any ideas of where she could be, let me know. I just want to know she is okay!
Last known location is Westport, MA.
If you have any leads, you can message me here or email me at livesforhorses@hotmail.com
I also have some photos available.