Missing Thoroughbred, would be 13 now

Long story to tell and along the way, I’ve made many enemies, especially those on the New England chat boards, especially equichat. I know some frequent this board and I’m not willing to have my post removed again because of dissent.

The short of is I sold a 5YO Retired TB to a member I knew in 12/2003. She passed away in 7/2005 still owning the horse but having placed him with students out of state for training. I had Right to First Refusal written into my contract. When the dust settled, I started trying to find him and I’ve been looking ever since.

I’ve been given false and misleading information the two or three times a year, every year, that I’ve checked on his ownership with these students. I just found out on 2/4 new information about the horse and can’t seem to get a fix on what might have happened to this horse AFTER 2006

I won’t post details here- but if you want to help me find or track a missing TB horse, who would be in the Maryland area, hopefully still alive, please contact me at sgonzales.ames@gmail.com or call me at 585-519-8341.

Please - no flaming, no prank emails- I’ve been up 18 hours a day at my computer for 8 days calling every agency in ME, MD, RI, NJ and every auction house, state dept and vet facility trying to locate this horse. I simply need to get the word out - and get some help. If you already know the story, know the people involved and think I’m some crazy lady - keep it to yourself and I’ll pray that nothing like this ever happens to you.

God bless
