Mobile access for iPhone/iPod etc.

Having a 5 month old and a a 9 year old leaves me little time to sit in front of a computer. However I do get plenty of time with my iPod touch…especially at 2:00 am… Is there any talk about making COTH easier to navigate for us mobile users?
I found an app called tappatalk which says it will work with vBullition, it just has to be activated by the Forum Admin. Is this something that can be done? Thanks in advance!

There is discussion in the works! vBulletin has also introduced mobile compatibility for their most recent version of our software. I believe we need to upgrade versions to implement any form of the available mobile app options, and there are some logistical issues related to that I are being discussed and addressed by the tech folk and management.

Hopefully, we’ll have something available relatively soon!
Thanks for the question/suggestion, and congrats on the little one (and not-so-little one). :slight_smile:

Mod 1

Awesome - thanks for the quick response!