I am so glad I bought the trike. I had a bad bike crash on my two wheeler right before Christmas 2018 due to vertigo, and I thought I was done biking. I was not only pretty badly injured, but I was depressed at the thought of giving it up.
I bought the trike on Amazon and my poor husband spent days putting it together, out in the garage with unusually cold temperatures for South Carolina. The instructions were crap, but he figured it out. It took a lot of cussing.
It malfunctions often, and I couldn’t have it without having my very own bike mechanic in my house. I wanted a Schwinn, which is a much better trike, but could not find one with seven gears. He’s replaced bearings several times, went with a different set of tires due to constant flats, and generally keeps it from falling apart. It’s rare that I can’t ride due to a mechanical problem because he is so proactive. Now, if all this ice would just go away.