Moderators - help needed finding a thread I started.

Within the last 2 years I started a thread on the Eventing Forum that had to do with what Volunteer Coordinator. I was asking for input on the best way to run a recognized event. I got alot of really good input but I can’t find the thread. Thanks for the help.

Most likely it got pruned and is gone. Through your profile it is possible to get a list of all threads started by you… there are only 21 things there and none of them sounds like what you are looking for.

Shucks, there was a lot of good info from some very good resources. Thank you though.

Sorry your thread is gone Tazzie. We have to prune the board regularly to keep things under control and operating properly.

For future reference, you can email or print pages of a thread by going under “thread tools” (under the pages number list at the top of the thread).

Also, if you think a thread would be a good addition to our Reference forum, send us a note. By default, longer threads (above 40-100 posts, depending upon the forum) are saved during the pruning process, but some of the shorty but goodies could be great additions to the Reference section.

You can also try running a Google search to see if threads might still be cached there…

Mod 1 :slight_smile: