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Monart Auction

Anyone purchased at the Monart Auction? Are you happy with the purchase? Other insight?

I’m not personally connected to this combination, but Hot Bobo was sourced through the Monart sale. Given she won the 4S at Kentucky this year and just brought home team gold at the Pan Ams, I’m going to make the bold assumption they are happy with the purchase (though I do believe he has said she was tricky for a few years after they initially brought her to North America). I don’t personally know of any others.


I’ve purchased 3 over the years and happy with all. One word of advice, just because they’ve had a vetting done does not mean that the x-rays are US standards or clean. Have your own veterinarian review the x-rays before you purchase.
Happy shopping! Katie


Better selection and more realistic prices than the GFG a week later.


I was curious about pricing. They don’t post full results, however there are three or four that I am strongly considering.

Very good advice.x rays at all these sales will have faults just like any other sale.

Very interesting that they seem not to have cervical spine films done for this sale repository.

That’s an impactful region and especially with what we’re seeing across the country in imported warmbloods, at the very least any serious buyer should have these done and evaluated not just by a vet, but ideally by a radiologist. These have significant value as a baseline if in the future things go awry.



OK did someone here buy #77 cuz she went to the US and I was really smitten with her.

So I’ve been following very closely this year and a friend just purchased. The decent ones are going in the 10-15 range, with a few going over 30. One I had my eye on went for 22 which I thought was fair, and honestly it went to the US and I’m thinking might actually be picked up for the hunter world. A couple have stayed in the 6-9 range and then a few (but very few) no sale.

I think a few of the higher prices may have been sold to jumper homes - that was certainly the breeding. I thought it was interesting there were a few full TBs in the sale.

I picked one I liked yesterday, it sold for €15k. The Brits and western Europeans can pick these horses up for their price +13.5% VAT and not too much on shipping. To get one to western Canada, it’s evidently about $25k added on to import. I’ll keep looking at North American bred horses…

The one I liked went for 9k but I didn’t see rads so maybe there was something awry. There were only a few over 20k, and less over 30k!

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A friend bought an exquisitely bred lovely lovely gelding. He arrives to her farm on Sunday. Very excited for her.

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