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Ponies wear 42” girths or at least mine does. Try this place for 42” girths. https://justforponies.com/tack/girths-martingales/girths/

Ok and? You can measure and look around to find one in the size you need.

Mine is a 38 btw

How long do you need? Maybe custom Mattes?

I will also say too - depending on your dimensions versus your horses, the stirrups will clack on the buckles of the girth. That drove me a little batty.


Yes, this is my issue. I can get regular girths in any size, but I need a dressage/monoflap style girth that will have backing under the buckles so the buckles don’t sit directly on the horse’s skin. I have not found any dressage/monoflap girths online that are big enough. Will check out Stubben that someone mentioned to see if these are dressage/monoflap girths

I’ll look at the tag on mine. It’s black gel filled and it has the backing behind the buckles and I think something covering them to prevent the clacking

Oh interesting. Well I put down the deposit on it yesterday so technically I have a couple of days to change my mind but we’re kind of too late at this point. I can’t justify spending an extra $1000. He loves the saddles, I loved the balance. I have a little extra money in my pocket so we can afford one show this summer now :joy:


Awesome! Congrats!!

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So now that I did the deed, I’m going to have to buy a girth as well. His current girth is a 54” but is a 52” on a saddle with longer billets. What size monoflap girth would correlate to that?

Thinline makes cinch guards you could probably retrofit to make work! I use them when I decide to cowboy and they’ve been a lifesave for my thoroughbred.

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Yay! This is the tip I needed. I was wondering if there was some neoprene thing at CVS that I could jerry-rig, but I think the cinch guard is what I need. Thank you!!!

Not all monoflap billets are created equal either but I’d probably go with a 28 or 30. Maybe 32. A 28 would be easier to find in brown (I have brown dressage tack and horses about the same girth size).

County Logic comes in up to a 32” - https://countysaddlerystore.com/horse-tack/?page=2

I meant to get the name off mine but today totally went off the rails and I forgot. My whole girth is neoprene and gel filled. The horses really seem to like it. But I will get it for you tomorrow. Taking horsey to the sports med vet and then girth is in the trailer

In your post you said you like the monoflap a little better and your hesitation is from not wanting to stand out in the jumper ring for having a monoflap. So I said buy the saddle you and horse like best regardless of what’s trending.

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Finally remembered to get the pics.
It says Letitia Collection. It’s neoprene and gel filled