More text and formatting problems

So I solved my personal problem with the lack of paragraphs by switching to WYSIWYG, then the problem was corrected and I can now have paragraphs in source mode, I think, anyway, but my spellcheck has gone nuts and after about three lines starts to check before I finish words and fail to enter letters, so I have to switch again.

ist th cursr shakes, and as you can see it jut drops rndom letters, lets me go back to fix tem sometimes. So what’ up wt that?

And AFAIK I haven’t got 11, it keeps asking me do I want it and I haven’t yet hit “yes”.

Are you experiencing these issues on other sites or programs, or just here?

Anyone else experiencing similar problems?
Mod 1

Yup, on my home PC running windows 8 (I think) and IE 10 or 11 (? not home at the moment, have to look over the weekend).

I had the paragraph thing and had to use the comparability icon. But every time I went from PMs to any forum, it logged me out. That stopped a few weeks ago but…

Now, I get garbled text and skips after the second line I type in. First line is fine. Keyboard is OK on other sites and Word. Whatever browser update that automatically installed itself a few weeks ago does NOT have a compatability icon.

iPad and iPhone are unaffected but have to play dodge the green drop down. I referenced that in the other thread.

Still happening as of right now and only on Coth. The bar is flickering not blinking, I just switched to source mode to type this. Sometimes I switch to Source mode and it forgets about me - goes dead. Happens on this PC, on the laptop at home and the PC and laptop at my mom’s. I also have about a 50 % chance I’ll be able to edit anything, and a 10% chance that I’ll hit reply with quote and it’ll go into loading mode and stay there and accept a reply but never produce the quote. Weird.

Tried to edit and it wouldn’t let me - windows 7 and IE 10, maybe 11 for all the units.

I have been having problems when typing replies that the computer can’t seem to “keep up”. After EVERY LETTER, I have to pause a second so it registers. What a pain! Also, just tried to cut/paste an address into a reply, and it wouldn’t do it at all. Had to go to Firefox to do the reply.

Just went to IE settings and added this site to compatibility mode, and that seems to help, but the blue bar with Settings, FAQ, and all is way off to the right instead of lined up where it should be.

Running Windows 7 with IE 11.

I’m going to send another notice to the tech folks about these compatibility issues – thanks!!

Mod 1