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Most Bizarre gone wrong thread?

I am bumping this up so I can find it more easily. I just finished the “lunging at Devon” thread- bizarre!
Can I also recommend the long thread last year about animal psychics? I can’t remember the OPs name, but that turned out very strange.


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Ummm what?!? Can someone give a summary for what happened in that one. I made it 2 pages but I couldn’t read anymore for the sake of my own sanity…

I couldn’t make it far but my take was that she based her trims off Strasser and in pathological hooves trimmed to blood. Most of the pictures she posted were “pathological” and had blood.

Must have liked the drama, she never quit posting pictures and everyone was shocked. Last post mod threatened mass banning and shut it down.

I’m very thankful I haven’t met a farrier or trimmer like that.

I find that I actually miss some of the many banned posters that participated in those threads. COTH has certainly had it’s fair share of interesting characters through the years!


We had some farriers with very strong opinions about “barefoot trimmers”. Too bad some of the farriers were banned, because they were knowledgeable, though blunt and impatient.:lol:


Reading the “Tree the Hoof Butcher” thread, made me think of another poster who I thought would have joined in on that, only I couldn’t remember the name. It was annoying me, bigly, so I set about the detective work. I knew his name on another forum, read some posts, found a strange spelling of a word, thought it might just be habit, rather than a typo, and it was…behold the gift that was @Shadow14

first one I found



OOH I missed that one! Asking to be banned. Mod 1says “Okay”. :lol:

I remember the days of slc and wearing out my scrolling finger!


Since the topic came up in another thread - I don’t think anyone linked to these yet.

RF Amber Eyes thread from the eventing forum: https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/f…-as-commentary

And from the H/J forum: https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/f…yes-commentary

The H/J one is much longer and there are all sorts of mini trainwrecks along the way.


I dont follow hunters etc. What became of Commentary?

I believe she is still actively competing but had her name changed again to Fonteyn (sp?).

I ran over the Easter Bunny:



my new all time favourite thread, been laughing horrified laughter, with Mr KBC asking if I am OK…

I still have quite a few of those stetner videos, they’re still as good as they used to be. :crazy_face:

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shin splint boots - https://streamable.com/otcfs6
measuring a horse - https://streamable.com/378f8g
cantering a jump - https://streamable.com/49110d


That Sarah Stetner never fails to amuse or horrify. I can’t believe poor Rowdy putting up with her and can’t believe he didn’t blow a tendon from her application of “shin splint boots.” I think the one I liked the most was the one that “all bits are named after trainers” like the famous trainer Tom Thumb and Mr. Pelham and Madam Loose Ring Snaffle.

There was one trainwreck I was trying to find was the one where a “trainer” insisted someone’s horse needed to be named Winston and that her daughter was going to ride it in the Olympics but poster wouldn’t sell her the horse and the “trainer” started stalking her and showing up demanding she sell the horse and how her daughter’s Olympic dreams were being squashed by this meany horse owner. Anyone remember that one and can provide a link?

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Tried the links for the Commentary threads but link just takes me to the current COTH HJ forum.

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You forgot:
Sir Percival Eggbutt
Madam Butterfly
Monsieur Frenchlink


Me too. I posted about it over in the Tech Forum. Not sure if there’s a solution.

Wait… what?

Who is this person? Is it a parody or something?