Mounting block issues and torn ACLs

I am 4 weeks out frommy ACL and meniscus root repair and am so happy that I have looked at this part of the discussion forums. I have always used either a 3 step or a fixed wooden higher mounting block. However, I am reasonably certain that I tore my ACL jumping off horses onto a hard surface. So I am very interested in knowing how those of you with knee injuries (current or past)are getting off your horses and not just onto your horses. It never hurt me to mount even before surgery, but get off made me see stars!

two bad knees here. getting off is not easy. I do the very slow slide down the side of the horse holding tight onto the saddle allt he way to the ground. Not really safe I know. when there is someone available to hold horse, I will ask. but I can’t jump down anymore either. That is for sure how I tore an acl the first time.

@maybesmom - I’ve taught my horse to “come get me” at the mounting block. At the barn I use a 3 step on a solid foundation. When out and about, I use the mounting platforms, picnic tables, or my 3-step that I carry in my trailer. I have trouble on uneven ground when using the mounting block. A little wobble and I have had my non-repaired ACL knee shift and cause terrible pain and nearly cause me to go down. To avoid this I look for the most level area I can. Even with that, my confidence is shot when it comes to mounting anything slightly wiggly.

As far as the dismount, I suggest teaching your horse to drop you off at the mounting block/platform. We have sand in the arena and I’ve had a devil of a time not shifting a knee. Solid surfaces aren’t great for jumping off, but do wonders for not going down due to a sudden knee shift.

@arabiansrock - I see nothing wrong with the slow slide. I do this from time to time when need be.I rather see someone slide than someone jump and re-injure their knees or go completely down.

I understand where you are coming from. I have hip arthritis and I began to have trouble getting my leg over the saddle. It is very frustrating to see other riders get on easily and for me to struggle mounting. I feel I have to have the mounting block placed perfectly before I get on. I would stand for a long time worrying about getting my leg over the saddle. Something I am finally coming to grips with is the longer I stand there the worse it gets. I am finally making myself get on the block and swing my leg up. Sometimes I get it over fairly well and sometimes I have to work myself over the saddle after getting the leg 3/4 over. But I know intellectually that waiting doesn’t help so I just have started forcing myself to go ahead. Waiting doesn’t make it any better. I know how hard it is, but if I can do it I suspect anyone can.

I’m another one that worries I will get stuck half way on. My right side is a huge problem from mid back to ankle. I never know when my past injuries will act up. I did have knee surgery to repair a tear, but it never healed very well. It can be anything from mild stiffness to sharp pain.

I use the tallest mounting blocks (4 step) so I am not lifting myself into the saddle. Luckily my horse is only 13.1hh so I am level when getting on.

I am short so I have no choice but to jump down when getting off. I always try to land evenly on both feet.

After 4 days of riding this past week, I am sore all over today. Thank God for Advil and Voltarin gel.

For my trailer I have a small step stool. I can easil move it around until it is stable. Mine is a shorter wooden one. I bought my trainer on that is aluminum with plastic steps that is one step taller. For hers I had DH put a wooden back on the non-step side and put her logo on it. This way a horse can’t step through the back. My trainer has reconstructed ACL and the other knee is bad too. She mounts and dismounts all her horses from either the stepstool or a mounting block. They are all trained to stand next to them and not move.

I have a replaced L ACL. While the surgery and rehab was not fun it wasn’t that bad. I will say that talking to people recovery makes a huge difference depending on the graft source. Mine was cadaver so I did not have the second spot of the hamstring to heal or the patellar tendon. My knee is very stable. Rarely will it bother me and I am 15 years out from surgery. About 2.5 years ago a came off and have partially retorn it and the meniscus but went to some PT so have avoided surgery.

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@SonnysMom - I will 100% agree with you on the difference in the ACL repairs. I had the hamstring ACL type for my right knee and OH MY GOODNESS was that painful and extremely difficult to recover from. I’m now 6 years out and feel that the “hammy” ACL is loose as the knee shifts something terrible on uneven surface. I’ve gone down stepping on stone (pebbles really) when walking normally. Incredibly embarrassing and painful.

On the flip side, I know 3 others that had the cadaver around the same time and are 100% back to normal… running, riding, playing sports… while I can’t even imagine walking fast without terror of falling. :concern:

@cnigh - I’m seriously considering a 4-step at this point. I have my 3-step in the trailer, but it needs to be a tad taller for me to not have to do that final step into the stirrup. All it would take is Zephyr slightly shifting his weight for whatever reason and I would go down like an overripe apple at harvest time. (Kersplat!)

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Now using a high wooden mounting block both to mount and dismount at my home arenas. However, what to do at shows when this is not available? I am looking at buying a 3 step mounting block to take with me, but this is really not as tall or stable as the wooden ones we have at my home arenas. Any suggestions for waht to do when I am traveling to clinics or shows?

@maybesmom - I use a 3 step mounting block. I keep one in my trailer for areas that don’t have platforms, blocks, or tables. I admit that sometimes I fiddle with it until I can find a level(ish) area where I’m not going to get a lot of wobble. Mine is pretty solid, but if one corner is in a dip, it will shift on me. I also carry shims now for this reason. I’ve been working to strengthen my legs and can now get up from a 2 step without too much shift, but still worry since I have good and bad knee days.

Anyhow… here is a link to one similar to the one I have in my trailer: