Movex vs Summit vs Known Joint Drugs/Supplements

I just saw an ad on facebook for “Movex”. It looks like the same drug as summit? Anyone know anything about this new drug? Just curious currently

Oh boy. What do you want to bet the Summit people are rebranding, in case the FDA shuts them down?

Is it an injectible? Does your vet write a script for it? If the answers are yes, and no, run awayyyyyyyy!


That is what I was thinking, but we website looks does have a little more science on it. Also don’t see any of the marketing scheme that summit does. So maybe the same, but maybe not. Also saw the about page gives their location in Florida, and if I remember right, summit was out of CA? Anyone know?

But like you said, its an injection, no prescription.

Nope, Summit is also in Florida 😐


I don’t buy joint supplements from MLMs with no scientific backing. Anyone peddling it on facebook has been blocked because it is SO. ANNOYING.

Oh my god that study is hysterical. Not only did they use the most non-representative group ever (15 horses, all mares), the two people listed are the managers/directors of Syntex, who manufactures the raw materials for the product. :lol::lol::lol:


Maybe it is somebody that has been following Summit and thought " Man that is a good gig. I need to get in this market." Since there seem to be few barriers to entry to the no research, no approval joint supplement market. Just an entrepreneur :lol:.


Currently it doesn’t look like a MLM. Just an ad from the company showed up. But that’s not to say it won’t turn into a MLM. Then we will know it is Summit.

There is a thread about Summit here somewhere… try searching for it.

Here it is…int-supplement

So the Movex trademark is registered to EJS Equestrian. Address is in Land O Lakes, FL:

Googling that brings us to this:

So Shawn Suddath is the owner here.

She’s is (or was) a real estate agent:

And has invested (or tried to) in real estate:

It’s interesting that Dorian Farmer (pres of Summit) has this “Equine Joint Performance” company registered (and dead):

When the business name for Movex is EJS, perhaps for “Equine Joint Solutions”? Just weirdly similar to the Farmer’s company.

Also turned this up:

And I am LOLing that when they crowdsourced their logo, the Summit people called it a DRUG. Yes! It sure is! 🤣🤣🤣

But, at first blush, not actually tied to Summit.

I have read the thread about summit. I have not tried it even though it had been marketed to me. I was wondering if we thought it was the same. Which it looks like we do think it is the same. I was just pointing out that I had yet to see the MLM that summit has, so if is the same people, they are changing their marketing scheme.

I posted info about the people holding the trademark and company behind Movex, but it’s stuck in the spam folder. Until it shows up…

Doesn’t look to be directly related to/with the Summit people, but not counting out some sort of relationship. The people who own Movex also own a moving company and one used to be a real estate agent 🤷”â™€ï¸

I was just recently invited to an online Summit event hosted by one of my FB friends, as they are becoming a “rep” for this product- it kinda felt like an online attempt of a pampered chef / tupperware party- raffles, gifts, and all…


So totally legit people to own a joint company. The branding looks so similar…ugh

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And yeah, still not sure they’re reeeaaaallllly not related. Movex is registered to EJS Equestrian; the Summit people used to have a company called “Equine Joint Performance” registered with the state. Although if EJS Equestrian is short for Equine Joint System Equestrian, that’s a pretty dumb name 😂 And these people only live an hour ish away from each other, so maybe there’s some personal relationship?

I wish I could find the trademark info for the Summit name, but I just can’t. Can anyone else pull that up? (I did find this which is hillllllarious. No one link to their site without permission or say mean things about them, mmmmkay?)

Anyway, the post with all the links and some more info will be along shortly, when @Moderator 1 lets it out of jail :yes:


Oh! And here is the paper from the website. Funny how they don’t actually link it or give you the full text, just little snippets.…37080698800798

“Non refereed.” Does that mean published without peer review? :uhoh: :uhoh:

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I have searched several different ways in the TESS and have been unable to find anything registered to Summit, Summit Joint Performance, Summit JP, or Titleist Technologies LLC.

I’m glad it’s not just me! The name is not trademarked? Isn’t that …odd? Thank you for looking!

I also poked around for “chondranol” which is what they called it before Summit…nada there, too!

But they use ® after the name…are they just lying?

I also searched using their copyright attorney’s address. No Summit.