Moving back home (otherwise known as waving the white flag)

So, I have made up my mind. I have had enough of living 700 miles from home in the cold, rainy PNW, missing the horses I’m supposed to be training and hoping that the owner doesn’t wash her hands of me and find someone else who can actually be there once in a while. I am also sick of having to go through the airport ordeal every time I want a home cooked meal or a hug from mom. To put it simply, I’m coming home.

This is a great school, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s the school for me. It is too small, the horses I have worked with since summer are back home, and, most importantly, my family isn’t here. That may not seem like a big deal, but as a kid, my Dad had the kind of corporate job that allowed him to be home (maybe) on weekends, and he has just retired from that job. He is eager to be my horse show dad and spend the time with me that we missed when I was growing up.

So, I am transferring to UC Davis, a school I was accepted to after high school and turned down because it was “too close to home.” Funny how the factor that ruled it out is the factor that is now ruling it in. I think Davis will have everything I’m looking for: it’s close to home, top ranked, has a great english program, and has an equestrian facility where they told me I could be hired as an instructor. (I probably won’t ride IHSA because I have 4 horses I’m supposed to be riding on the A circuit, so there go the weekends.) Davis is close enough to home (sacramento) that I will be able to hop in my car Friday, go ride those 4 horses, then come home for home cooked food, my own bed, and my family for a few days before heading back to the apartment I hope to find there. It’s perfect for what I want…horses, good school, and my family.

The thing is, I have never thought of myself as someone who would transfer. I always saw myself as the kind of person to see something through 100% whether I hated it or not. But, I’m beginning to rethink that philosophy…after all, as Dad said, the only thing worse than the wring decision for 2 years is the wrong decision for 4. I have learned a lot here and had some terrific classes with some terrific instructors who I will genuinely miss. But, when it comes down to it, I know UC Davis is where I am supposed to be. I know that if I am ever to pursue my goal of being a trainer full time with my own barn (instead of being the free lance trainer living out of her car that I am now lol) I need to keep riding and teaching. I need to do that where I want to live so I can build a client base even now. I don’t intend on living in Portland, and I have some great opportunities back home. Plus, if you take the horses away, I would still come. I just am not happy here: the food is awful, the weather has been getting me down, and the classes are too small for my liking. I hate having things happen without me at home; from my puppy growing up to Dad retiring, I feel like I am missing it all. My brother leaves for college in 2 years (when I’ll graduate), so we really only have 2 yrs left as a family (if he goes away and doesn’t go to school locally). I want those years to be the best they can be.

Sorry this is so long; I just wanted to let you guys know what’s going on in the life of Leap. Oh, and also to ask who from here will be my fellow Aggies next year???

BTW- did I mention the final perk? 5 mths off for summer! See, this school gets out May 3rd, and Davis starts September 26 (or 27???) soooooooo Can we say HORSE SHOWS?!?!? LOL

  • One must think when looking at a horse that it hears music inside its head
  • check out my diary!
  • PNW Clique: Fuzzy Horses, Frizzy Humans!

Elizabeth says it well, the most important person in your life is you. Do not fall into the trap that “things will get better” “I can make it better” “people will think I am a quitter”.

You are going through a lot of stress and I understand what your challenges are. Certainly you have an impressive track record and If I remember right a very impressive long term goal ( school in Europe if I remember). I laude your decision to maximize your chances to be with family now. Wise, important, loving decision. Good for you and for them.

I understand how you feel about the weather. I am even bugged by it right now and I have lived here all my life.

Go down this road with your own best interest in mind. The most important lesson to learn right now is how to recognize when something is wrong and when and how to “cut and run”

Good luck, we will try to keep you an honorary member of the PNW Clique ( founding member in absentia) however you must uphold the “say one thing nice about the place rule”…

such as…

" My it is so clear you can see the steam rising from Mt St Helens. It’s OK though it hasnt blown up lately"

– * > hoopoe
The ancient Greeks did not write obituaries. They only wanted to know if you had a passion.

So, I have made up my mind. I have had enough of living 700 miles from home in the cold, rainy PNW, missing the horses I’m supposed to be training and hoping that the owner doesn’t wash her hands of me and find someone else who can actually be there once in a while. I am also sick of having to go through the airport ordeal every time I want a home cooked meal or a hug from mom. To put it simply, I’m coming home.

This is a great school, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s the school for me. It is too small, the horses I have worked with since summer are back home, and, most importantly, my family isn’t here. That may not seem like a big deal, but as a kid, my Dad had the kind of corporate job that allowed him to be home (maybe) on weekends, and he has just retired from that job. He is eager to be my horse show dad and spend the time with me that we missed when I was growing up.

So, I am transferring to UC Davis, a school I was accepted to after high school and turned down because it was “too close to home.” Funny how the factor that ruled it out is the factor that is now ruling it in. I think Davis will have everything I’m looking for: it’s close to home, top ranked, has a great english program, and has an equestrian facility where they told me I could be hired as an instructor. (I probably won’t ride IHSA because I have 4 horses I’m supposed to be riding on the A circuit, so there go the weekends.) Davis is close enough to home (sacramento) that I will be able to hop in my car Friday, go ride those 4 horses, then come home for home cooked food, my own bed, and my family for a few days before heading back to the apartment I hope to find there. It’s perfect for what I want…horses, good school, and my family.

The thing is, I have never thought of myself as someone who would transfer. I always saw myself as the kind of person to see something through 100% whether I hated it or not. But, I’m beginning to rethink that philosophy…after all, as Dad said, the only thing worse than the wring decision for 2 years is the wrong decision for 4. I have learned a lot here and had some terrific classes with some terrific instructors who I will genuinely miss. But, when it comes down to it, I know UC Davis is where I am supposed to be. I know that if I am ever to pursue my goal of being a trainer full time with my own barn (instead of being the free lance trainer living out of her car that I am now lol) I need to keep riding and teaching. I need to do that where I want to live so I can build a client base even now. I don’t intend on living in Portland, and I have some great opportunities back home. Plus, if you take the horses away, I would still come. I just am not happy here: the food is awful, the weather has been getting me down, and the classes are too small for my liking. I hate having things happen without me at home; from my puppy growing up to Dad retiring, I feel like I am missing it all. My brother leaves for college in 2 years (when I’ll graduate), so we really only have 2 yrs left as a family (if he goes away and doesn’t go to school locally). I want those years to be the best they can be.

Sorry this is so long; I just wanted to let you guys know what’s going on in the life of Leap. Oh, and also to ask who from here will be my fellow Aggies next year???

BTW- did I mention the final perk? 5 mths off for summer! See, this school gets out May 3rd, and Davis starts September 26 (or 27???) soooooooo Can we say HORSE SHOWS?!?!? LOL

  • One must think when looking at a horse that it hears music inside its head
  • check out my diary!
  • PNW Clique: Fuzzy Horses, Frizzy Humans!

And kudos to you for figuring out how to do the horse thing and the school thing at the same time–if I had the chance to do anything over again, it would be that–I took 5 years off for horses after a disaster of a freshman year at college–wrong school, wrong state, wrong major, then took another few years off from horses to finish up school, only to head back to the horses after all…I’m finally headed back to grad school now, but this time will have to figure out how to do both at the same time…life is not what you expect, all the time and the trick is to figure out how to go with the flow while still getting what you want out of it!


I may very well see you next year! I’ve already been accepted to Davis, and it’s one of my top choices right now.

P.S- What school are you at now?
I’m a 4th quarter senior!!!
Valerie’s home page

There is a young lady at my barn (just turned 20 last Friday) that is waiting for an acceptance letter from UCDavis.

She will be a transfer student too, having spent the last 2 years at Sonoma State. She has applied at Berkley too, so she will have to make up her mind about schools.

in the gate- right now I’m at The University Of Portland. I hope no one thinks I’m flaming the school because I’m not, and this has been a really hard decision for me. But, I know it’s the right one. Hope to see you next year!

  • One must think when looking at a horse that it hears music inside its head
  • check out my diary!
  • PNW Clique: Fuzzy Horses, Frizzy Humans!

hoopoe- I will always be a member of the PNW clique…I’ll have to live those rainy days vicariously through the rest of you brave souls. As far as saying something good about this place goes, there is really no problem with that at all because there are many things about Portland that I love…such as:

  • Powells
  • watching the sun set over the Willamette and Forest Park
  • Pioneer Place (haha…shopaholic that I am)
    *The Columbia Gorge (so pretty)
    *Multnomah Falls
    *And, of course, gorgeous Mt. Hood

So much to love, but even more reasons to go…I will definitely come back to visit friends I have made here. And, I will always have a soft spot for this beautiful place…beautiful when it’s not raining, that is. LOL!

  • One must think when looking at a horse that it hears music inside its head
  • check out my diary!
  • PNW Clique: Fuzzy Horses, Frizzy Humans!


Glad you made a decision, I went to UCDavis and it’s a great school. You will really enjoy it. One of the things that is nice about Davis is how many people that go there are into doing stuff! Everybody seems to have some crazy plan they’ve cooked up whether it’s running a marathon or building a house. People will totally understand that you are passionate about something. And the place is literally crawling with horse people (well on a Thurs night anyway, most of the rest of the time they can walk)

But now I am going to tell you a local’s secret. On the third floor of Shields library at the back are the complete set of Practical Horseman’s, Bloodstock, COTH and some others going back to the late sixties or later. I particularly recommend the articles on Francesca Mazella and The Natural.

There is a nice window ledge seat just around the corner- enjoy!!

Sounds like a great choice…I love the town of Davis. I went there a few times for training for work (at the US Army Corps of Engineers Hydraulic Engineering Center in the middle of town). I really enjoyed the few weeks I was there - it is a really neat town. And it was MUCH nicer than the other Corps training center in Vicksburg, Mississippi!!!


I think your decision is very well founded. You gave it an honest try. Sometimes we have to get away from that we depend on, just to realize how much it means.

There is no way I could live back in the “valley”. I lived there for 34 years. Probably because I didn’t know any different. Still have family there, nice place to visit…too glooomy to stay.

Good luck with your move, it sounds like a good one.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Sometimes, it’s just not the right time to leave yet. I did my first year of Uni at home and then went away for a year. I ended up going back theyear after and have never regretted it. I was able to keep horses in my life, get a great education and was home when my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

During those years I dropped courses that weren’t going well and switched degrees 3 times. Being able to see something from start to finish is a great quality but so is knowing when to live to fight another day. Remember just because you are changing your mind in this doesn’t mean you do for everything.

I’ll share the story one of my favourite Profs shared with us. I was in a very small Uni and an even smaller program so you know your Profs really well. At graduation one year my Prof was really concerned because one of the students got her degree and immediately started to cry uncontrollably. When asked what was wrong she blurted out “I’ve taken 4 years of school and spent $30,000 for a tourism degree and realize I hate working with people!!”

Good luck! Sounds like the right decision for you.

I"m very happy for you LEAP! There’s no sense in being somewhere where you aren’t happy


I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest
– John Keats

Thanks everyone for the good wishes…and thank YOU especially maggymay…wow, the complete selection of all those great horsie publications! I will never get any work done! I really am glad I came here for my first 2 years…moving this far away from home was a good experience for a girl who had grown up in a small town, gone to small schools, etc. I needed to spread my wings and be independent. Having learned those lessons though, I’m ready to come back and learn some new ones. I can’t wait.

  • One must think when looking at a horse that it hears music inside its head
  • check out my diary!
  • PNW Clique: Fuzzy Horses, Frizzy Humans!

Good for you for paying attention to yourself.

I transferred in college, my sister transferred THREE TIMES, and then I transferred in law school. I don’t recommend transfering that much, but I DO strongly support listening to yourself and making a decision that is right for YOU!! You go!!