Moving between forums

I’ve been a member for years, so I know how to move around the board. However, since the recent changes, I can’t move around between forums. Is anyone else having this problem?

It is also taking an incredibly long time to log on - I’m talking 5 or more minutes to get the site loaded up versus what used to be seconds. I’ll get the new header and then a blank screen under it. Sometimes I get a “can’t connect to server message” and sometimes I’ll finally get on after a very long wait. Anyone have any ideas?

I think I’m having a similar problem. I’ll go from the page that lists all the different forums to read within a forum (like hunter/jumper). Then if I hit “back” in my browser, instead of going to the last page (with all the forums listed), it kicks me back to whatever website I was at before getting on to the chronicle. I wasn’t sure if it was because I’m using Firefox or something else?