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MS Exhaustion

Right now my exhaustion is worse. My grandkids, son, and daughter-in-law may be visiting this weekend, I managed to vacuum off one couch, and I am just as tired as if I had ridden a horse, and this great tiredness is lasting longer. This morning I just looked at the vacuum cleaner and I felt exhausted immediately. Now I have to get up the energy to put it away since I am too exhausted to do anything more.

Maybe I am suffering some from Long Covid. This extra exhaustion is scary.

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I hope you can get your strength back soon! Take care!


I relate to so many of the posts above! I have ankylosing spondylitis and epilepsy and the fatigue and exhaustion are real. I bought a Fjord so that one day when I can’t ride I can drive use her for driving or just as a pet. Some days I’m up for doing work with her-- she’s almost 21 months, so work involves learning basics. Other days, we just hang out and I groom her. She’s a fan of cuddles. I also spend a lot of time sleeping so sometimes I don’t get out to the barn. I’ve also napped in my car out at the barn.

I don’t have any advice. I guess I responded to say that “hey, I’m in the autoimmune club, too! It’s no fun.” I think horses help make life better though. I got my girl shortly after I was diagnosed and she pulled me out of my diagnosis sadness since my doctors encouraged me to get her and told me I could learn to drive her if and when I can no longer ride. She’s definitely taught me my bodily limits and she keeps me active because we go on walks around the property.