Multiple Sclerosis, Exacerbation

I had an MS exacerbation (attack) starting 12-30-2013. Due to many reasons I could not do the coricosteroids so I treated it with homeopathy.
Due to complications in my life and due to the awful winter weather I did not get to ride much for 3 months. I gradually deteriorated, my walking got MUCH worse, and my mental state was abysmal.
But now my life is settling down and the weather is better and in the last two weeks I am back to riding 3 times a week (30 minutes a ride.) My walking has improved dramatically, I am getting my coordination back somewhat, and my mental state is much, much better. Pretty good results for two weeks of riding!
Riding horses is GOOD for people with MS and now I know that riding can help me recover from an exacerbation.

So glad to hear you’re doing better, Jackie! My MS seems to be at a very slow crawl, but it’s complicated by my Addison’s disease. I notice that lately my depth perception and balance are really starting to diminish. My daughter and I take yoga once a week, and I can’t balance on one leg for the life of me! But I can balance on my horse like a BOSS so until I fall off, I’m riding. :slight_smile: