Muscle tremor...PSSM? Other thoughts? (video)

I actually tried ALCAR when I first switched her to a low carb diet. We made several changes at that time though, including barn, diet, and rest so it was pretty tough to tell what was actually helping her and I eventually took her off of it. I’ll definitely consider it, but would really like to get to the bottom of her issues. I also fall into the need-to-know-why category.

The good news is that the prednisone seems to have helped her some. She’s slightly sore over the loin and rear end still, but nothing like before and I don’t get any reaction over her neck or withers. My take on this is that her nervous system was wound up, but the not the primary cause of the issues we’re having (which I never really thought anyway). The vet is coming on Friday to re-evaluate so I’ll see what she says.

The vet came this afternoon and I think we may be living on different planets. :frowning: She’s not concerned about the muscle tremor and wants to block her stifles and see how she does under saddle.

This is based on me telling her that she’s been traveling crooked under saddle and that when she’s in the round pen she sort of stabs at the ground with her hind legs - especially when she’s really moving. There are times where the back legs are moving in unison. And of course she’s still sore over back end. To me, that screams SI or pelvic issue, but maybe I’m wrong. She’s blocking her tomorrow so we’ll find out…argh. Just. Want. Answers.

When I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my first PSSM horse, weak stifles was one of the diagnosis (as well as EPM, EDM and “I have no idea!”)

Just a quick update…we tried blocking stifles with no noticeable improvement under saddle. The 21 day course of prednisone seems to have done a world of good though and she seems more comfortable. The chiropractor came back and agreed that her muscles seem more supple and she wasn’t as resistant to the adjustment. She was out all over the place again though so we’re hoping that this adjustment will hold better. Interestingly, she was more resistant to the chiro any time she worked on her right side - not sure if it’s a physical or mental/emotional response. I also sent in a hair sample to test for HYPP and PSSM1 - both came back negative.

I’m planning to do a couple light rides in the next few days to see how she feels and determine whether to circle back with the vet about next steps. I’d like to talk about her reaction to the steroids and what that might mean. Anyone have any thoughts on what would cause inflammation severe enough to make a horse severely body sore?

I’m really hoping we’re on the right track with things. Fingers crossed!

I know this thread is almost a year old, but I’m wondering how the OP’s horse and SuckerforHorses’ horse is doing and if the vet came up with a diagnosis? Cure? I just had a friend text me pix of her horse with a similar should tremor and this thread came to my mind…