Muscles on Croup Question

Hey all, looking for feedback … recently someone pointed out this little dip in my horses croup area and made it seem like a concern.

Asking the hive for their thoughts on what this is!

Horse is 6.5 years old been only in light work the last year … that’s another story but is sound and overall healthy. Is this something I should be concerned about?

Horse gets regular chiro at least every 8 weeks and starting body work again now that I found a body worker in the area.

Thanks for the input!

One of my horses has a dimple similar to this on his croup. He had it when I got him 11 years ago, and it hasn’t changed any or caused any problems in all that time. I have no idea how he got it, whether he was born this way or had an injury that caused it. I just consider it one of life’s mysteries.


He’s chubby. Lots of apple-bottomed horses have a little dent. My just starting back to work Connemara has a big one!


Pretty normal in some QH lines. Nothing I would panic about. :wink:



Lose weight, lose dimple.



I should have added to my last post about being normal in some QH lines and adding that we’ve had some STBs ready to race with the same dimple. We wouldn’t want a horse ready to race a tough mile losing a dimple to be honest. We work hard enough keeping it there!