We moved into a farm in W WA this summer. We had plans to put in a nice outdoor in the future. However, we discovered a grown-over arena and decided it was worth the money to have it scraped and use for now. I know it was not ever “properly” installed, but I grew up riding on several arenas that also weren’t done the “correct” way with bases and they worked quite well. This area is driving me crazy, however, and I wanted to see if anyone else has done a fix for places in theirs. I know it will never work in a monsoon, but something’s gotta give.
It has developed about half a dozen spots on one side where the horses are blowing right through the sand and the soil base beneath is softer than the rest for some reason. My thought is to scrape the sand back in those areas and put in a light layer of very small (smaller than driveway), angular rock before putting the sand back over. Seems like the rock if it mixes a little with the sand won’t be large enough to cause hoof issues and it might give some grip on our loam soil (has a fair amount of clay).
Other ideas that don’t break the bank?