Mutt puppies- what did you think you were getting and what did you actually get?

A BC/Great Pyrenees cross is very common around here with ranches/farms…I see them for sale in the ads all the time. A lot of people have one of both breeds (and Aussies) and end up with pups. I can sure see them both in that pup. I know someone that had Aussies/GP crosses and they looked much the same, too. Not saying it’s a good idea, just that it happens and could have very good results. :slight_smile:

FWIW our suprisadog was billed as an Aussie/Golden mix, born in the pound to a black border collie looking mama. I can see both breeds in her but always think that there is a heeler or a GSD lurking in the background-she’s loyal to a fault and a little freaky sometimes. There’s just a little something more there. She’s 14.5 now so whatever the genes are, they’re good ones!

Cool pup pictures!

Cowboymom, we had a chow mix who lived to 18.5! I hope yours has just as long a life.

I hope she does too-she’s my heart dog, always at my feet, not asking a lot, just to be with me. But on two occasions she bit someone that she thought was threatening our kids! Luckily the victims were ok with being bitten in the line of duty and understood where she was coming from… she’s had several brushes with death and every puppy we get now we say “well Gypsy can’t live forever” but she seems to think she can! :lol: I always say that’s what’s keeping her going-all these pups she’s trained… tough little nut, good dog. :slight_smile:

We had some fosters where I worked years ago that were wee little black things that we were told were labs. We placed two of them at a farm that we visited every once in a while that I saw a year later and was a little startled to see two wiry-coated 25 lb mongrels that were longer than they were tall. :lol:

As a kid, the next door neighbors dog (either a Shih Tzu or a Lhasa Apso) had puppies. The dad was the Rottweiler down the street.?!? They gave up a puppy at 6 weeks who was supposed to get about 50-60 pounds.

Our male was named tootsie roll, and looked just like a Rottie with a curly tail.He weighed about 13 pounds and was my best friend growing up. Our dad was very disappointed that his “big dog” turned out to be tiny.

My boyfriend (now husband) and I were living in San Diego in a condo that allowed SMALL dogs only. We had just moved in together so we wanted to get a dog. Off to the local shelter in search of a small ADULT dog.

As fate would have it there was a huge litter of the most stunning white/brown puppies in a pen bouncing around. In the corner of this pen was the most unattractive black female puppy just getting totally over looked. Not only was she black she was much smaller than the pretty puppies.

We asked the shelter staff about the litter and they assured us the black puppy was turned in with the white/brown puppies and the mother dog was small/medium size. They figured the puppies would top out around 25 pounds- max.

We went home to think about it and decided it was best to stick with our original plan, adult small dog. A few days later we went to the shelter to look at an adult dog and in the puppy pen was the black little scrawny puppy all alone, her liter mates had been adopted.

I couldn’t leave her, she was black, and not very attractive and I figured her days were about numbered.
We adopted her thinking she must have been the runt and there were perhaps two fathers (If only that was the case!). Our best guess at the time was she was a chihuahua mix, we were happy with that, ignorance is bliss.

Well, the little scrawny puppy thrived with a little TLC and she started to grow, and grow, and GROW…… Yeah, you see where this is going, right? She ended up topping out at 125 pounds and the best guess, a great dane doberman mix. It was clear she wasn’t part of the original litter, just a random puppy stuck in a puppy pen.

Thankfully our landlady LOVED dogs and loved our dog especially so her size didn’t matter.
She lived until she was 11 years old and we lost her to osteosarcoma. She was the best and smartest dog I’ve ever had, the biggest dog too.

4martini we were also warned by the vet to be ready for a big dog and she has stopped at about 50 or 55 lbs and it about the size of a smallish lab. We were told the mother was a Rottweiler. Now I think the mother was MAYBE part rottie. Everyone who sees her has a different guess as to what breed she is, but I don’t really think it’s half Rottweiler.[/QUOTE]

Beautiful!!! I love her face mask!!

My guess would be Lab x GS :lol:

I was told I was adopting a “beagle mix” pup.

A year later I very clearly had a German Shepherd/Greyhound mix. She looks like this dog but my dog has a white chest and four white feet.

Is not a puppy, but is puppy size. Does that count? He was billed at a Min Pin. I think he has terrier in him. He is 14 pounds and is about double the size of all of the Min Pins that we have met.

My second dog was adopted from the local shelter. I was 7, and picked him out by myself – a tiny fuzzy black thing that we thought might be a spaniel mix, maybe some poodle in there. Certainly, he wasn’t going to ever be very big. Perfect for a 4-H dog obedience project.

A year later Cinders was 80lbs +, which was almost double what I weighed. We always thought he must have been a Newfoundland mix; he had the general body shape and the coat! When he got in the back seat of the car, you were NOT him getting out unless he wanted to get out. :slight_smile: Full grown, we estimate he was about 110lbs. Great dog.

[QUOTE=Murphy’s Mom;7489235]
Looks like part border collie. Very cute![/QUOTE]

she’s now 32" at withers - 120 lbs - double-dewclaws - no undercoat (so glad for that) - really sweet, independent, smart
luv luv luv her

We adopted a young puppy from a neighbor whose bitch had had a litter. I had just lost my GSDx, these puppies were supposed to be GSDXGolden of some sort. I have no idea who was in the woodpile there, but we ended up with all hound! Black and Tan with short ears though! Gorgeous dog with the sweetest manner, loved cats/kittens/kids and would play so well with smaller dogs funny to watch him at 75 lbs lay down to play with the chis!

No pictures, Winston has been gone since 2005, but was a fabulous family pet for many years.