Mutt puppies- what did you think you were getting and what did you actually get?

We got a 6mo old Great Dane mix puppy.

Now that she’s 7ish we’re pretty sure she’s a lab/ Weimaraner with super big paws. She never grew from when we got her. Even our vet told us I hope you’re ready for a big dog. She is a cool iridescent charcoal color with yellow eyes. People stop us to ask what she is.

Over the years brought home two different puppies - both were pretty true to advertisement. One was shep. mix but w/ less dense coat - she got to be about 60 lbs. Other was shep/coonhound, who got to be about 70 lbs. (my heart dog of all time)He was smart, loveable, goofy, and oh the voice when he wanted to!

Now a friend looked at my 60 lb. one one day and said to spouse “want one that size” . They went to shelter, adopted a Golden Retriever mix puppy and OMG. He grew. and grew. and grew… Looked like the darn GR, but was pushing 30" at the shoulder, and topped out at about 100 lbs. Don’t know what the heck else was in there.

An elderly neighbor gave my family her lovely german shepherd/boxer cross puppy when it became obvious that it was growing bigger than the 15 inches that she was promised it would be - and that it turned out to be a female rather than the male she wanted. The neighbor found the perfect minpin for herself, and I grew up with the best dog in the world.

4martini we were also warned by the vet to be ready for a big dog and she has stopped at about 50 or 55 lbs and it about the size of a smallish lab. We were told the mother was a Rottweiler. Now I think the mother was MAYBE part rottie. Everyone who sees her has a different guess as to what breed she is, but I don’t really think it’s half Rottweiler.

4martini, I would love to see pics!

Growing up, the woman at the rescue swore that the Molly puppy was a Great Pyr/St. Bernard cross… said she’d met both parents. As it turned out, according to the vet who was a Pyr fancier, she was probably a purebred Pyr. She was a great dog.

Conversely, my housemate has a “purebred” German Shepherd. If that dog is full Shepherd I will eat my hat. She’s lanky and sleek- an elegantly built dog instead of a strong dog- and although I don’t seriously think that she has it in her, her brain is straight Border Collie. :lol:

Friend got a puppy who was “probably part Bull Terrier.” Nobody actually believed the humane society when they said that… “She is probably a lot of things” is what another friend had to say about it… but now that she’s getting bigger, she actually is probably part Bull Terrier!

I once adopted what I was told was a greyhound mix, and turned out to be a Shar Pei, and yes, I think, Doberman. My vet did not believe me when I insisted that she was part Shar Pei, but when they had to do surgery, her skin had all the characteristics of a Shar Pei. She looked exactly like a brindle doberman with a long tale and uncropped ears.

DH and I adopted a dog that advertised as a 6-month-old Lab at the shelter. I see why they thought that, but his nose and ears are longer than a Lab’s. He also has an almost Shepherdish double coat with ticking, a deep ribcage and a very lean, almost waspy waist.

Definitely not all Lab. (Which is fine; we picked out the individual, not the breed.) I’ve always wondered what else was in there, though!

Closest I have to conformation shots:

Lookit that schnozz!


“Purebred” blue heeler. I could tell she was a mix even at 7 weeks old but the lady was going to take her to the pound so I said I’d take the pup. She bought the pup as a Christmas present for her husband but he didn’t want a puppy. I ran into her at the vet and since I had two of my heelers with me she asked if I would take the puppy. She definitely is part heeler. I think the other part is rat terrier. She is now 7 years old and an awesome dog.

Sight unseen, I agreed to take on a “purebred Australian Cattle Dog” puppy.

This is what showed up:

A truly precious bundle who DOES have some Cattle dog in her but is not ALL Cattle Dog. Definitely some husky in there.

A year old:

And six years old, with my Mal:

That’s my “Malinois” (also a rescue) in the last photo as well, although he’s got something else in him because he’s got a dark purple tongue. He was expected to be in the 80lb range, but stopped at 65. (Which is fine!)

Here are a few pics:

When we first got her- her eyes were really droopy and she looked really lanky with big feet.

The best shot I have of her color- it’s hard to photograph:

Her jumping form:

Years later- same overall size- but she grew out of the droopy eyes- I have no idea why…

Big Gold Fuzzy Beast was described as a “lab/golden mix.” Not a drop of retrieving blood in him ANYWHERE. He’s northern sled dog with a hint of collie and possibly a little hound.

“Pit Bull” puppy. Pulled out of high-kill gas shelter in TX which he was born in with rest of litter and mother.


Puppy photos (sorry for cuteness overload):

Now (still adorable):

Our best guess is Vizsla mix?

Gusto came with the “best guess” of border/staffy at 6-ish weeks - his mother was known and was a BC. Both he and the littermate I still know grew up too lightly built for that cross; I expect the father was a smaller terrier type dog. He’s a little taller than I expected (crazy what happens when you start feeding those neglected puppies) and a little softer in temperament than I’d hoped for, but otherwise I pretty much got what I expected.

DH and I adopted a dog that advertised as a 6-month-old Lab at the shelter. I see why they thought that, but his nose and ears are longer than a Lab’s. He also has an almost Shepherdish double coat with ticking, a deep ribcage and a very lean, almost waspy waist.

Definitely not all Lab. (Which is fine; we picked out the individual, not the breed.) I’ve always wondered what else was in there, though!

Closest I have to conformation shots:

Lookit that schnozz!


The first, head picture there looks like a twin to a friend’s Chesapeake retriever, so you may have some of that there.

In our puppy classes, we have people coming in with mixes of all kinds and all kinds of strange guesses about what they are.

Those that keep coming as the puppies grow some times get surprises, dogs not being even close to what they expected.
I have never seen that make any difference to anyone.
They are their dogs and are fine just as they are, whatever they are.:slight_smile:

this was my baby when I got her from SPCA
they called her Great Pyr/St Bernard - NOT

I’ll grant her the Pyr, she’s got lots of those characteristics but don’t know what her other half might be

I thought my old dog was a Jack Russell cross. Well he is a muscular 55 pounds so who knows what he is. Jack Russell was ruled out very early on.

DH’s dog is a mostly redbone but has a bit of boxer and he will point a bird. All good combinations.

My old roommate found a litter of dachshund puppies in the woods.

He kept one and fed it, and fed it and fed it.

She grew and grew and grew.

Eventually she was 130 pounds and still looked just like a Dachshund just with longer legs - and as big as me.


this was my baby when I got her from SPCA
they called her Great Pyr/St Bernard - NOT

I’ll grant her the Pyr, she’s got lots of those characteristics but don’t know what her other half might be[/QUOTE]
Looks like part border collie. Very cute!

My old roommate found a litter of dachshund puppies in the woods.

He kept one and fed it, and fed it and fed it.

She grew and grew and grew.

Eventually she was 130 pounds and still looked just like a Dachshund just with longer legs - and as big as me.[/QUOTE]

…now that I’ve gotta see.

Your “Great Dane” is gorgeous! I know a Weim/Lab cross who looks very like her, with that same sheen to the hair coat.

Our pup was billed as a lab/shepherd mix. I could buy it with her coloring but as she got bigger, she has a very upright conformation and sport dog tuck with webbed feet. She looks pittyish until you put her next to a pitt and then they look nothing alike. Our best guess is rhodesian/rottie or rhodesian/vizla, rottie/vizla since she’s only about 60 lbs. She is most likely red nose pittie somewhere since she came from New Mexico but she just doesn’t look it all the time. We always get asked what she is though.

Adoption day:

Early puppy outing at local butcher/deli shop eating a marrow bone:

Her chair on the deck:

Road trip to Florida at about 8 mos:

Playing with 100 lb weim at 8 mos:

Idea of coloring

And just for fun her destruction of her dog bed when left out: