
I have a 9 year old Lusitano mare who wears a muzzle. She currently wears the Tough 1 Easy Breathe Grazing muzzle in orange (link below) and it works well enough. There are a few rubs on her face, and we added some fleece to make it softer. So I’m looking into getting her a second muzzle so I can rotate what she is wearing. I know that there are some softer muzzles. Any suggestions? I also like the idea of cooler muzzles since I live in Maryland and recently it’s been crazy hot here. Also my mare is not an escape artist. She hates the muzzle but so far she’s only gotten out of it once in the two years I’ve had her.

Many people on this forum like Greenguard or Flexible Filly muzzles (you can search for threads about these). Greenguard also has inserts that are easier on teeth and will extend the life of the muzzle.

I used to use the Tough 1 Easy Breathe muzzle, and I wrapped it with duct tape to prevent rubs. I like it better than fleece because the slick surface doesn’t collect dirt. I also use duct tape if I need to wrap the halter the Greenguard muzzle attaches to.


You might want to look at this existing thread


I have a Green Guard muzzle and there are no rubs and it’s very lightweight and breathable. Highly recommend.

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I use the flexible filly and love it. We used a tough-1 for years until it broke and then all the replacements failed in the stitching in weeks. I’m going on 15 months with the Flexible Filly.

I will say, I mentioned muzzles to my dentist and she’s seen a lot of damage from the greenguard as of late. I don’t know if they’ve been with or without inserts but I was told not to switch muzzles. Not everyone has this issue, but she’s now anti greenguard for the damage they do to teeth. I have zero personal experience.

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I use the same on my mini & have had no issues with construction/stitching.
What does wear (& add to the Muzzle Graveyard in my barn) is the rubber.
Opening gets worn away until it’s barely acting to restrict intake. I’ve tried making it smaller with Gorilla tape. No luck :expressionless:
Latest one is wearing well after several months :crossed_fingers:

What’s worked for me is giving a small treat when the muzzle goes on.
Little foodmonger pokes his nose right in.
Pic Tax for Solidarity between the “tortured” :smirk:
Note the side-eye :expressionless:


I recently purchased a GreenGuard muzzle only to discover that my horse can’t drink out of the auto waterer with it on (didn’t even think to consider this! It’s my first time with muzzles), so I’m now researching the Thinline Flexible Fillies one. Just something to be aware of.

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My horse actually figured it out :joy: She uses the corner of the muzzle to push the lever and waits until the water is full enough. She is only turned out for half days though I think if it was a 24 hour situation I would be more nervous that she wasn’t drinking enough.

I’m at about week 4 of using the Sweet Net grazing muzzle with good success. It doesn’t rub and it’s not hot. The vendor states to use it only 10/12 hours a day so it’s not a product to leave on full time.

Mine isn’t smart enough to figure that out :laughing: She stands at the waterer with Sad Face and would definitely expire of dehydration first haha. Bless her.

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