My Knee Feels Strange

I have absolutely no clue about human joints. I’m fairly young yet (28), have been riding for 21 years, spent years in the military doing a lot of running and other various exercise without issues. So I’ve been noticing intermittent knee discomfort. If I had to describe it, it’s pressure under the medial portion of my knee cap, almost like I have to “pop” my knee but it never does (nor have I done this in the past intentionally). I’m wondering if this is related to riding or sitting for long periods of time at night at work where I sit on high chairs with my knees pointing down, sometimes hanging, which could be ergonomically incorrect.
I’m just curious if this will be indicative of a future knee problem for myself. I have no family history that would explain this. I do have an appointment with a physician mid September so I’ll ask.

My left knee also feels like it is about to “pop” pretty often. Thankfully, it hasn’t. That said, my circumstances are very different than yours. I will say that working out with a trainer at the gym has helped. Best suggestion is to see a doctor.

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I ended up dislocating something related to this. Not sure if it was the knee cap or the entire joint. Changing position on the couch no less. It corrected by itself. I had to let it drop to the floor with its own weight because I couldn’t move it at all. And then it went back in. Needless to say I now have an appointment with an orthopedic place. I asked around and people said that this is the start of degenerative joint disease. I hope it’s nothing.

This sounds like what I feel on a pretty regular basis. In my case, my patella is tilted and doesn’t track properly. It happens in both knees but much worse in the right one. I started having knee pain as a child (7 years old) and finally, after years of being told it was growing pains, was diagnosed by MRI. It subluxes on occasion and I can’t straighten my leg when that happens; I have to find a way to use gravity or straighten it with my hands, and things usually find their way back.

I did have some surgery but it was only marginally helpful. It has worn away at the cartilage so there is permanent damage, unfortunately. PT can help, especially if your muscles are pulling your knee out of alignment, as can bracing/taping and therapeutic massage. Hope you get some answers at your appointment!

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Thank you! I’ll be going on the 8th for the NP to take a look at it so she can send out a referral and then I’ll have to play the waiting game with the VA. I built some jump standards yesterday and couldn’t kneel to work on them because it was painful and felt like it was going to happen again. :no: I need for it to behave so I don’t get sidelined!

It sounds like some disfunction in how yorbkneecap tracks, which can be improved with physiotherapy. There may be some underlying OA as well, not uncommon even at your age.