I recently got my mare back from my parents. She’s had ~6 years with no training or riding, she’s just been sitting in the pasture. She has ringbone, but she is not lame from it.
She does not respect my personal space whatsoever: she will not yield the forequarters on the ground (but she will yield the hind), she is not an active backer-upper, she doesn’t respond to the halter well or getting pops on the chest, and she has no problem running you over. And she has two speeds: dull, unresponsive horse and completely over-reacting freaking out horse. Now, I’ve trained a few horses to yield the forequarters, but I also had their respect. Does anyone have tips for gaining respect from a horse WITHOUT lunging it? My go-to is the roundpen, it always works for me. But I don’t think I can lunge her with the ringbone without causing tons of stress to the joint.