In addition to the info cited by @LaurieB, there has been information about what happens after the horses are no longer racing. Not horses I have a share of, but one was adopted by a shareholder, apparently a couple of the less successful have been sent to aftercare programs for second careers, and at least one filly has become a broodmare.
They’ve just got back two that had been previously claimed, Inspector & Salute to America, who will be placed with Second Stride.
They’ve also put together an “Aftercare team”.
I have said this before, but I think they would make a killing with a YouTube channel about racing.
I mean, I know they have one and were even doing livestreams for a minute. But it was all handicapping-based… and all the videos they put out now are mostly promotional.
There is so much you could easily teach people about racehorses in little 5 minute blips someone could film on their iPhone. It would help engage owners with their horses to learn basic “day in the life of a horse” stuff. “Hi owners, today we are going to learn what racehorses eat.” “Hi owners, today we are going to learn how to tack up a horse.” “Hi owners, today we are going to learn how to cool a horse out.” “Hi owners, today we are going to learn about race day for horses.” “Ho owners, today we are going to learn about colors and markings.”
I had all the same horses as the OP Plus quite a few others–I think Chasing Time as been most successful, and Search Engine had a few good early races.
As an OTTB owner, it’s been fun following along with the training and racing process. In some ways it’s also been reassuring that the racehorses are just as likely to do something to themselves as the horses at home. I really like that they’ve been upfront on issues with the horses, and following along with them to broodmare or aftercare.
It sounds like some trainers give more information to their MRH owners than what I’m getting. I’d love to know or see more of the day to day happenings in “my” horses’ lives. I also would like to hear the trainers’ input on why my horses keep fading back after being so close to the lead. I honestly don’t expect my horses to be winners but something better than 5th would be nice every once in a while. Why aren’t they bumping them down to lower purse races so they can perhaps have a win?
I think this is a fair statement.
Chasing Time, Monomy Girl, and Collusion Illusion-- I feel like I get/got a fair number of frequent updates on them.
Got Stormy and Secret Crush-- not so many.
All five have been with different trainers.
I think this is true based on my perception. Kent Sweezey and/or his assistant gave fairly frequent updates on Miss Sakamoto beyond “they worked at x speed for x distance”. I’m not finding I get as much for the others but then again, Miss Sakamoto seemed to be racing more frequently. Again just my perception, I’ve not gone back to look through all the updates.
Are you on the individual horse’s FB group?
MRH has in e set up for each horse or bundle they have.
Many of them will sometimes have updates/photos from outside of MRH.
Shareholders that do the barn tours, etc, post photos.
Holly is good at posting updates & photos for Steve Assmussen’s MRH horses.
There are a couple other individuals that frequent certain tracks & post photos of the MRH training at those tracks.