My Race Horse: I suck at picking racehorses

Star Six Nine (Dialed Inn) Neurological problem

Tap the Gavel (Tapit) Didn’t want to run

Micro Share (Upstart) Going to be a broodmare

Who Runs the World (Quality Road) Going to be a broodmare

That’s it for me. I doubt I will try again.


Really curious about how much you have to invest? I’m originally from MD, and Country Life offers some attractive group investments, but they are a little more than I want to spend (pending HVAC replacement).

Actually, the fact that I am saving for a house repair explains me. But these micro-shares are interesting.

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Here is the webstise for MyRaceHorse. There are other places that do it also. But MHR seems popular here.

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That’s horses.

Before MRH, I owned shares in several different horses… which made a total of 1 start out of the lot of them.

I’ve been luckier with MRH.


Tap the Gavel finished in the money four times in nine starts. Not a world-beater certainly, but gave my friend who owned a share some fun.


Star69 has wobblers & is happily retired at Silver Springs. Can’t blame MRH for wobblers.
Tappy was not overly competitive/had zero interest in racing. They placed him in an aftercare program & he was adopted by one of his micro share owners. Why is that a bad thing?
Micro Share raced 11 times (2021/1 race, 2022/3 races, 2023/7 races) never finishing out of the money. As a business, it makes more sense to retire her now, rather than running her & having her lose value.
WRTW was not competitive outside of lower end claiming races, so they chose to retire her rather then run her in claimers… which people would have b!tched about her getting claimed rather than retired :woman_facepalming:

Honestly it sounds like the whole horse racing industry isn’t for you.


The thing that initially drew me to MRH was the one time investment.
You buy your share(s) & never have to put in another penny towards care & upkeep of the horse.
This makes it one of the most reachable ways for anyone to get involved.
Cost of each share depends on various factors, which are all shown on their website & buy page.


I think it depends on what one experience one is hoping to get. Sure, I wanted to buy a share in the next Triple Crown winner, but the odds were pretty high. :wink:

I have enjoyed following my horses, especially the sort of training that one usually does not see. Example: how horses are introduced to the starting gate and eventually taught to break. I always wondered how you get a horse to walk into a small enclosed space surrounded by other horses and by a noisy crowd, and start running when the gate slams open, bells ring, people shout, and the field charges out. Now I have seen the process. Thank you, MRH.


Not to speak for @Joanne, but I don’t think she was blaming MRH. More like lamenting her luck. :woman_shrugging:

I’m surprised how lucky I’ve been with MRH.


We had a lot of fun with Miss Sakamoto so far. She won once, came in the money about 10 times though lately hasn’t been doing so well so next time will be in a claiming race.

This is why we did it. We love our OTTBs and wanted to get in on the fun in an affordable way. AND we were able to go to the track and be in the saddling enclosure a number of times.

I guess we were just lucky with our pick which was sentimental as her sire, More Than Ready, sired DH’s heart horse.


@mommy_peanut I am not blaming MRH for anything! I didn’t buy the shares to make money.

You sound irritated and took it personally.

Guess I should have added an “LOL” in there for you.


You probably don’t suck at racehorse selection as much as you think you do. At the very least you don’t suck any more than the rest of us. :upside_down_face:

If you look at the number of winners vs the number purchased by bloodstock agents whose livelihoods depend on picking the right horses, most of them have what appear to be dismal records. They strike out far more often than they hit home runs. It’s not for the faint of heart!


haha I’ve picked 2 of the 4 you listed here. I’m glad Tappy got adopted by an owner - I really hope that she keeps giving MHR updates that they will share.

The only MRH that I have still running is Hero Status.


My first was Collusion Illusion- he was already a G1 winner when I bought in, but he went off form not long after I became involved and never returned to that level. He started a few times while I was a shareholder, only finished on the board once, and is now standing stud in Canada.

I bought shares for the leases of both Monomoy Girl and Got Stormy. Monomoy Girl only started a few times, then was laid up… but it was fun to be involved with even the lay up of a horse of her caliber. She still made me some money and even won a G3. Got Stormy was a dream come true for me— she won a G1 and ran in the Breeders Cup! Made me quite a bit of money, too.

I bought a share of Chasing Time with the whole COTH crew and he’s been a good runner. No complaints with him at all!

With the money in my MRH wallet, I bought a share of Secret Crush who promptly developed suspensory issues when he began training. I kind of thought he might not ever make it to race after that. But he had his first start last weekend, went off as the ML favorite, and finished a green but competitive fourth. So he has already exceeded my current expectations.

The prices are so high on most of their offerings lately that I am not sure if I’ll buy into another. But it’s been nice to have 5 for 5 runners, quite the change of pace for me and the type of horses I can usually afford to buy into.


I didn’t take it as you blaming MRH.
More along the lines you were unhappy/frustrated with the results you got… if that’s incorrect, sorry.

I was not & am not irritated or taking anything personally.
Horses are a crapshoot… racing them even more so LOL.

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She has a FB group for him “Tappy’s Court - In Session”


I wish the people surrounding my MRH horses would share more of that kind of info so I felt more like an owner and less like a nobody paying their rent.

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I agree that MRH could do more to educate people… but… in a lot of racehorse partnerships, you are paying WAY more money with even less info coming your way. Racetrackers on the whole have never been great at communication. :neutral_face:


I bought a share in Chasing Time because I bred his dam and his 2nd dam. As a racehorse owner myself, I have been pleased and amazed by how much info MRH shares with shareholders. I have a share in just 1 horse with them and I’m getting updates weekly. I get videos of his works, pics of him in his stall, and interviews with jockeys. I get updates that just tell me he’s doing fine.

When the horse hasn’t been entered for a while I get explanations about how a condition book works (and what conditions are), why they can’t get a race to go, and what the racing secretary might put in the overnights. If I didn’t already know this stuff, I would be learning a ton about how racing works.

I also get invites to the paddock (lottery), to farm tours, and to meet the horse in his stall. I have never for an instant felt like I am just “paying their rent”.

I confess to having missed the post you’re replying to. What kind of additional info are you looking for?


They’re also good about showing the process of getting them started with those that start at Wavertree with Ciaran Dunne.