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My sweet boy crossed the bridge

I’m so sorry about Max. What a lovely boy! Adopting a greyhound is a wonderful thing to do and it sounds like he paid you back for your kindness.

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I’m so sorry - hugs to you.

I had a greyhound who looked a lot like Max. Greyhounds are just the best. They say that greyhounds pick their person, and it sounds like he chose you.

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So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful, happy boy he was!

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Thank you so much for sharing Max with us.

He was a special boy and he loved you so much.

Thank you all again :heart: finding such understanding souls like yours is soothing and help me so much


A special thank to you Rackonteur, I know you’re having a rough time, thanks for thinking of me and my big boy, it tells what a wonderful person you are


so sorry for your loss - he looks like a wonderful doggy soul who loved you very, very much. Hugs.

So sorry for your loss. RIP Max.

Thank you. IDK about “wonderful;” just trying to keep my head above water, with the help of kind COTHers, and maybe help others keep afloat too. :+1:



I’m so sorry to read this. What a handsome boy. Hugs to you <3