WTF is with those 4-5 fugly clunky braids that people put in manes now? They ain’t pretty and sure look like they would get in the way but riders seem proud enough of them to add a ridiculous bow. Which leads to why do people braid the tail into a rat tail from the end of the tailbone on? Looks stupid and dangerous. And the last one - why don’t people use mud knots anymore, particularly barrel racers since a tail can pick up 20 pounds or more of mud in a wet arena? All questions prompted by Stampede, and the mud knot by so many riders from arena personnel to barred racers and ropers plowing through that slop with the poor horses’ tails dragging through that crap. At least one of the Stampede staff had a horse with so much mud in its tail that it was clamped tight by the weight.
When I chased cans, tails were tied up in the mud. We still tie tails in the mud when we race. It seems people have either forgotten how much mud and water weight a tail can hold or just dont give a rats ass anumore or love washing muddy tails. I think probably the middle option, since the few oldtimers that were around the arena did stop to tie tails before it went from wet to slop.