So about five years ago, I started experiencing horrible abdominal pain that on average came every few months. There were some times it’d come within a few weeks of each other but usually if I have an “episode”, it’s every 3-ish months. The pain is right below my chest and well above my bellybutton, centered. It feels like a constant unbearable gnawing with occasional sharp “squeezing” pains. It will start around 3pm and continue until 4am, on average. It is horrible, and there is nothing that relieves it - no med, no position I get in to, walking, laying down - nothing. If I took Zantac early enough before it was taken off the shelves it seemed to help, but pepcid/prilosec/etc have never made any difference. Tylenol, ibuprofen, Tylenol w/ codeine…didn’t touch it.
There is no specific food that seems to irritate the issue that I can pinpoint (MAYBE egg yolks, MAYBE chocolate but inconsistent), but there were several times I didn’t eat until later in the day, had a huge meal, and then that pain came on unbelievably. Most of the time tho, it seems to have no rhyme or reason.
I am wondering about my gallbladder because we have a family history of women having bum gallbladders and this started around the time I took oral birth control which can effect the gallbladder, but my GP is unconvinced. She says my symptoms aren’t classic, and if it were my GB it would happen every time I eat, not every 3 months. I typically do not experience nausea during these episodes.
This year I embarked on every test possible for my gallbladder. Had a completely normal ultrasound. Had an upper endoscopy with biopsies taken, confirmed celiac disease which is not a surprise as my Dad has it and some slight inflammation but no ulcers and was told to cut down on NSAIDs. I was completely capable of going gluten free because of knowing my dad’s diet (watch soy sauce, cold cuts, all those things you don’t think have gluten), and was optimistic that maybe that was the source of my abdominal pain. Well, three months later I had probably one of the worst attacks in a while, three nights in a row. Had to stay home from work since I’m in dentistry and no one wants a tired hygienist with sharp tools in their mouth, so now it’s costing me money on top of sleep.
I completed a HIDA scan on Friday that shows my gallbladder motility is 80% (35% or below considered abnormal) and no duct abnormalities.
I have a follow up with my GP and the gastroenterologist she sent me to. I feel very lost and upset because the best my GP could give me was “its probably stress.” That’s not a good enough answer, imo. I have had an anxiety disorder my entire life, and never had this pain and while the last year of my life has been stinkorama, this started LONG before that. If it were stress…I could accept that if it didn’t mean living in fear of that pain and how it’ll financially impact my ability to work, as there seems to be no way to stop it once it begins.
I like the gastroenterologist more and am hoping she will be more helpful and receptive, but I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas or this experience resonates with them so I have good questions for her when I see her. Right now I just feel like I’m not being taken seriously as my GP air-quoted “horrific” back to me when describing my pain and told me to take pepcid when I felt it.