Hi COTH! I could use any magical medical wisdom you may be able to impart here, I have a sick horse with no diagnosis who partially fits several things but nothing completely.
Rough timeline of symptoms:
About 3-3.5 weeks ago: noticed neck and base of mane was itchy and kind of crusty/dandruffy (seemed kind of gritty, no visible sores or obvious scabbing at base of fur). i thought she was dirty.
2.5 weeks ago: skin issue seemed to be slowly spreading, decide to do a REALLY thorough curry all over in case it was dirt and sweat trapped under winter coat (in n. illinois, too cold for bath)…next day first fever happened (upper 102s?), possibly some leg swelling but I don’t remember, had vet out to treat and I believe she got banamine and an injection of Excede and we gave the second one 3 days later. Fever stayed down until the 4th day after the second injection. blood work showed inflammation and some anemia. ran a coggins test just to be totally sure, came back negative. vet was not overly concerned about skin at this time, prescribed antihistamine.
About 1 week ago: fever spiked up to 103.6, obvious swelling in legs and under belly (shelf). vet gave something to help break the fever and a dose of oxytetracycline, which we stayed on for 2 more daily doses before switching to powdered doxycycline 2x daily. blood was more off than the first time, i don’t have any actual values unfortunately. on the second day we added 3 days of naquasone to get the fluid out of her legs and stomach. it did help. vet believes possibly tick-borne (anaplasmosis?) or auto immune. skin looks more like sterotypical hive bumps with white flaky dandruff, very itchy when scratched.
recheck yesterday: blood work showed some movement in the right direction but not normal, took blood for a cushings test and discussed skin biopsy for pemphigus (delayed). tonight temp went back up to 102.7 with some leg swelling, contacted vet and gave 10cc banamine. still on doxy and antihistamine, no skin improvement…one or two small patches of hair missing now.
Any thoughts? Has anyone dealt with anything like this? We still have no diagnosis =( horse has never been sick in 4 years before this, no vaccines or dewormer given recently (fecal showed a couple types of worms and an FEC of 400 so I’ve been ready to deworm but she keeps getting sick, I would be happy to list what kind if anyone thinks it’s actually relevant). Appetite has been pretty solid except during the fevers, not quite as great as normal but seems at least partly due to meds in grain.