Nadeem Noon Memorial Newsletter

The Indiana Eventing Association (IEA) is creating a memorial newsletter in honor of Nadeem Noon, who passed away on Nov 12 due to complications of amalydosis at the age of 54. Knowing that Nad made such a impact in so many rider’s lives, we want to pull together the stories, photos and memories into one commemorative publication. We would like to invite all of you to contribute as well, knowing that Nad’s reach went far beyond the Indiana borders. Please send photos and stories and your answers to the following questions (1) What’s your favorite Nad quote? and (2) What’s the best piece of advice that he ever gave you? to and put “Nad” in the subject line. The deadline is Nov 30th and the article will be published on the Nadeem Noon Support Fund facebook page on Dec 5th. Thank you all in contributing to the memory of a significant friend, teacher, and coach in our sport.