name change

My current “handle” is realrush89. Could you please change it to just Real Rush? Thanks much!


As per the announcement at the top of the page, Mod 1 is on vacation, and I am filling in. I’m not sure how to change a username on an account, so if you can wait until Mod 1 is back in charge, that would be great!

Best thing to do is to send a PM to Mod 1.

Thanks! Mod 3

Bumping up for Mod 1 (now that I see the announcement “Away from desk” is gone.) TIA!

You’re all set! The password and everything else on the account will have remained the same.

Thanks ~
Mod 1

Mod 1, I sent you a PM over the weekend re: a name change as I figured that would be the easiest way, but perhaps this is. :slight_smile: