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Introducing my rescue Saddlebred

So I am a sucker and I bought a kill pen horse off the Bowie livestock site. He is currently en route to the quarantine site where he will be for the next few weeks, but I’d like to call him something other than “1960”. The information I was given is that he is a 5 year old sorrel Saddlebred gelding standing 14.3h, however my transport has informed me that the 14.3h part was in jest as it turns out he is significantly taller. Oh well, not that I wouldn’t have still bought him. I will post a few photos, please keep in mind he just left the pen hours ago and he is in very poor shape. Also I believe the photos had a wide angle set as they are noticeably distorted in some.


How about something popular in 1960? I look at those hind legs and think Go-Go Boots. Boots or Go-Go for short.

Congratulations, by the way. He’s got a nice eye.


Ah! Jealous! Glad you got him. His face suggestions Diamond aka Diamond in the Rough. A friend of mine just had a horse land in her lap of the same color and she named him Fox.


Congratulations! He looks like a Sylvester to me.



I have no idea why I’m stuck on J names for him.

Or, you could go with 60s cowboy names.

Hmm, maybe it would get easier if we knew what his job will be. Trail horse?


What a sweet face. He looks hopeful! Like he has some faith in humanity still.



I will be using him predominantly as a trail horse and hopefully some endurance races here and there. I like to dabble though. Horse has arrived, he has a nasty cough and is favoring his left fetlock. He also has a crazy hunter bump. But I took some screenshots of the video they sent me to show him a bit better.


I just love him. :heartpulse:

I stink at naming things, though.

But he really reminds me of this pony I had as a teen named BJ (unfortunately he came with that name and snickering from others is how I learned the uh, “alternate” meaning of the term). Makes me lean towards naming this guy Bojangles. :slightly_smiling_face:


I love him!!! Hunter bump will be less noticeable with some good food and weight gain. Same markings as my ASB so I’ll predict his will be an amazing horse after he gets in your care.


Everyone who’s a sucker raise their hand… :raised_back_of_hand:

and now let’s pray. :pray: Pray for luck. I’ve rescued, let’s see a couple of amazing and I mean amazing horses. Like went out and kicked ass in the show ring. And played and had fun too. And I’ve rescued one who I couldn’t bring around and now she’s a pasture pet but I’ve learned so much from her. What terrible PTSD does to an animal. Bless her heart.

How about naming him Bennett? For short Benny? Dr. Deb Bennet LOVES Saddlebreds and I have two friends who won’t own anything else.

Just a couple years ago I drove away with a purchase somewhat likes yours saying Oh please universe be good to me! ANd it’s been an amazing journey with him.

Look forward to future posts and I’m SO in love with my latest rescue. He’s truly my secret boyfriend and he knows it!


I love him, too! He looks like the Saddlebred I had as a kid. He was wonderful!


He’s got such a sweet expression! I think you got yourself a winner there.


I also think something that is reminiscent of 1060 would be fitting! Kennedy was voted president in 1960, so Kennedy, John(ny), Jack? Elvis was big then. Jockey Angel Cordero won his first race. Angel would be a nice name. :blush: To Kill a Mockingbird was published, so a character name from that book? The Beatles had their first public performance, so any of those names would be fun (with the exception of Ringo, it was Pete Best back then). Chubby Checker’s song ‘The Twist’ reaches #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. The Flintstones, the first animated sitcom, premieres on ABC in the US. Fred or Barney?

Whatever you decide to call him, he looks sweet! Enjoy him.


He looks like a Sam…Sam the Saddlebred :slight_smile:


I was born in 1960. If he was a mare I’d say name him after me, but he sure doesn’t look like a “Laurie” :grin:!
Congratulations! He’s a lucky boy and a very handsome one too!



Going way back … Anacacho Shamrock was a very handsome chestnut Saddlebred, and sire of Wing Commander.

Anacacho Shamrock anacachoshamrock2


Good luck, it can be such a crap shoot as to what they end up being suitable for.
He’s a cutie.


Thanks y’all for the wonderful words and suggestions. The boy went to the vet this am and he doesn’t have strangles or pneumonia, thank goodness. He’s on antibiotics for ten days. He also has lice, which is being taken care of as well. My quarantiner (I suppose that is now a word) sends me regular updates with pictures and videos, despite his condition he has a great appetite and attitude. Bright eyed and she said he was talking all morning. He must be so relieved to be out of the pen, and we can only guess as to what he’s been through before that.

I never in a million years thought I would do something like this. It just goes against every sane notion that you learn with horses, but really is there anything sane about us? LOL.


Generally speaking, I’ve found my best horses this way :joy:

He looks like an Aristotle to me. Congratulations!


If you listen closely, in time, he will tell you his name.