Naughty Foal Question

Your fence needs to be replaced with something safe that a foal cannot get through, especially if you plan to wean the colt on the property or if you plan to keep him entire and next to your stallion. In that case, you would need a different type of fence.

You asked a question. The type of fence you will need depends upon your answers to the questions I asked you. I don’t care what you do with your colt, I was trying to answer your question accurately. There is no need to be rude.

Good luck.


Once he’s out with some other besties to frolic with and has an outlet for all of that playful energy, it will be easier to maintain boundaries. Impulse control is likely the biggest challenge at the moment. It’s not wrong of him to try to frolic.

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The OP mentioned that the hot wire was set up on less than an acre to divide a separate place for mare and foal, and a stallion.

If there is room to move this foal somewhere else on the property where he can run and play as foals are wont to do, I’d think it would already have been done, but who knows?

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You have 3 horses on less than an acre?

And you revived a 15 year dormant thread to tell us about it? Whilst being rude to the people who are attempting to help you?



BYB at its finest. :smile::roll_eyes:


Give them more space, build a better fence, or sell someone. A divided acre isn’t enough space for them and the baby is figuring out the pain is worth getting to a friend and having more space. I don’t see any other magical solution.


How is two strands of wire keeping the stallion away from the mare, unless she’s already bred back? :grimacing:


I hope that the person who resurrected this thread was just joking and looking for a reaction.

I’d rather that, than to think that this situation really exists.


If only. This is a train wreck in real time.

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This is the first post from @horsesALLtheway. If this is an actual issue I hope they take the advice they have asked for and realize that there is no safe way to keep horses in the manner that they are trying.

Maybe someone can help them. They did ask after all.

Fencing for keeping a mare and foal, with a stallion sharing the fence line is expensive, but perhaps someone who has more experience with budget fencing can help with an idea to help them with this issue? The OP is obviously not interested in my opinion.

I wouldn’t keep a mare and foal in anything but sturdy board or no climb fence. In my opinion proper fencing for a stallion is at least 5 feet high board, or no climb with a board and hot wire on top.

If the OP is truly asking for help, maybe someone with experience with hot wire and tape fencing can give them some suggestions. I don’t have the experience with that kind of fencing to be of any help.


The OP has left the building it seems, so I guess we’ll never know.

I’m sure the foal will be up for sale on Craigslist once it’s weaned. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I’ll wager the Craigslist sale will be the method by which it is weaned.

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It’s threads like this that make me miss the Fugly Horse of the Day blog. RIP.