Nearly Severed My Toe - Looking For A Brace Option

Tuesday I dropped a large Wusthof butcher knife on my big toe. Luckily I did not cut it off but I did take a nick out of the big joint and a tendon had to be repaired.

Internal stitches and eight external. It wraps around my toe nearly from the nail to the foot.

I have not found ANYTHING that I can wear over it to brace it or make a shoe of sorts. At the hospital they told me because of the tendon damage it should be immobilized but had no idea how to do that (honest, that is what they said). They gave me a finger brace, no go. A velcro shoe, no go.

Any ideas? It is swelling pretty badly today and one stitch popped out :frowning:

Did they put steristrips around the stitches? Steristrips will support the edges of the wound so the stitches don’t get pulled out. Just make sure they don’t wrap all the way around the toe and cut off the circulation. A piece of tube (cylindrical) gauze over the toe, covered by a piece of 2" vet wrap may help. A hard soled shoe like a Birkenstock sandal will decrease toe movement. Call the RN in the orthopedist’s office. She may have good suggestions.

Oh, dear! No advice, but good luck with a smooth recovery. That sounds awful.

When I was looking into splinting my dog’s deformed forelimb, I learned that there is moldable plastic for custom cast-making. Heat, shape, cool, pad, and strap on with vetwrap. Maybe you could do such a thing?

No steristrips! I knew something was missing! Ack!

Just want to say THANK YOU for the steri strip comment. What a difference some tape can make! Not only are the stitches supported, but they cannot catch on things now. So. Much. Better!

If you go to a sports medicine doctor, they can send you over to a PT who can make a brace…we’ve had all kinds of braces made.

I’m glad the steristrips are helping.

When I broke a toe (smaller one) I was told to tape it to the next toe. Maybe try that and see if it helps limit the action? Big toes seem to have a mind of their own, but the next toe, if taped to it, would provide support and limit movement.

OMG OW OW OW! I’m so sorry! I don’t have any advice, but I hope you heal up soon. I’m cringing just thinking about it.

OMG OW OW OW! I’m so sorry! I don’t have any advice, but I hope you heal up soon. I’m cringing just thinking about it.[/QUOTE]
:eek: aaaahh me too!

No advice, but hope you have an easy recovery!

Quick update:

Steri-Strips and a single tefla pad taped over it work best. I had to take out two stitches because it had swelled up and they were ripping but after that, no problems at all.

I can only wear a Croc that doesnt touch it. Never found any type of brace :frowning: cannot tape it to the other toe because of where the edge of the suture line is. I think it is going to be fine, tho :slight_smile: if I dont die of embarrassment, wearing bright blue Crocs with a plastic bag wrapped around my foot inside it!

See if you can get a referral to a physical therapist or occupational therapist who does bracing. They can custom mold you one.

Go to a PT or OT ASAP. They can not only make a brace, but they will get you on a rehab plan. You will need to rehab the toe, especially if you have tendon damage. In fact, they may need to “reteach” you how to walk properly. I had to after bunion surgery. Did they offer you one of those shoes? (for bunion surgery). It is stiff on the bottom and leaves your toes free.

So I guess I need to get serious about this?

I will admit, I walk kinda funny. The calf muscle on that leg is painful. Tonight it is waking up, It was numb from the cut to the toe nail and is now pins and needles and kind of pressured feeling.

Tomorrow I guess I start calling podiatrists? Or a certain kind of PT person?

Here is a pic for anyone who is curious!

Zoiks! That’s really impressive.

Yes, call a good podiatrist or an orthopedic clinic to get the process moving. How badly was the tendon injured? If the sheath was opened and the tendon exposed, then I hope they have you on antibiotics??

If the tendon isn’t damaged, they may do nothing, be warned. You’ll be healed in about 10 days, but it will be quite tender. You’ll have some numbness probably where the cut was (at least I do following each of my bunion operations–I’m up to 3 total).

Not going to look at the picture… Feet stuff oogs me out a bit. Knife cuts oog me out a lot, so I’m cringing for you, you poor woman.

Toes are far more important than we give them credit for, so, yeah. I think you probably need to take this seriously and go see someone orthopedic. Tomorrow.

Get well soon and wear shoes in the kitchen.

Yes, I am on two weeks of Keflex. The tendon sheath was sliced and the tendon 75% severed.

It is interesting, I can isolate the feeling now when it pulls on it :frowning: not very nice, I have to admit. Totally different pain.

So ok, off I go tomorrow!

Oh, atr… I am usually pretty hard to gross out but I took one look, wrapped a kitchen towel around it and reached for the meds basket… It ooged me out, too!

No helpful ideas sorry, but OUCH - that looks PAINFUL - and jingles!

It’s a mistake to look at it. If you haven’t looked at it, it hasn’t happened.

I think that having a recent pedicure before you trash your toe and need stitches is the equivalent of wearing matching undies when you have to get your clothes cut off you in the ER.

I salute you!