Neck threadworms

Aka filariasis. I suspect Ariel has them. She is wormed according to shedding protocol. Twice a year, once with ivermectin and once with Zimectrin Gold. About a month ago I noticed what I thought were disgusting bug bites. Lumps with a bloody hole on top. Now I believe they are threadworm gross things. My regular vet said worm with ivermectin, but that doesn’t kill adults. I have a phone consultation this afternoon with Brenda Bishop, DVM, an expert in this matter.

Any experience with this?

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There was a recent thread about them. Not sure if it is the information you are looking for, but maybe it will give you some information.

What makes you feel the lumps with a bloody hole is NTWs? Do you have a pic?

Where are the lumps?

She has one lump on either side of her neck, one lump on her side, and two lumps on her belly midline. The lumps are still there but have scabbed over. I noticed these about 3 weeks ago. I’ve also been fighting a bald spot on her face for over 2 years. I’ve consulted 6 vets. One said do an extra dose of ivermectin which did nothing. Month of May she had a series of 3 EqStim shots in hopes an immune system boost might help.

I took pics this morning. They look rather benign.


Bald face spot


the single lesion pic looks like a sarcoid, which can break open and bleed, often in the middle-ish.

Has the face issue been cultured?

NTWs pretty much tend to be very seasonal, Spring through the end of bug season, as that’s when the microfilaria are active and migrating around

These don’t sound or look like NTW issues

Face issue has been cultured. Nothing other than dirt and skin. I’ve dealt with sarcoids. These are not sarcoids.

very old thread. I seem to remember there were pictures something to kill adult Onchocerca? 19 CASE STUDIES POSTED-PAGE 58